Articles with public access mandates - Joshua AdoteyLearn more
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Human health risk assessment from heavy metals in three dominant fish species of the Ankobra river, Ghana
E Effah, DW Aheto, E Acheampong, SK Tulashie, J Adotey
Toxicology reports 8, 1081-1086, 2021
Mandates: US Agency for International Development
Spotlighting women-led fisheries livelihoods toward sustainable coastal governance: The estuarine and mangrove ecosystem shellfisheries of West Africa
EO Chuku, E Effah, J Adotey, S Abrokwah, R Adade, I Okyere, DW Aheto, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 884715, 2022
Mandates: US Agency for International Development
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