Abdul Rahim
Abdul Rahim
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Expanding the silicon photonics portfolio with silicon nitride photonic integrated circuits
A Rahim, E Ryckeboer, AZ Subramanian, S Clemmen, B Kuyken, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 35 (4), 639-649, 2017
Taking silicon photonics modulators to a higher performance level: state-of-the-art and a review of new technologies
A Rahim, A Hermans, B Wohlfeil, D Petousi, B Kuyken, D Van Thourhout, ...
Advanced Photonics 3 (2), 024003-024003, 2021
Open-access silicon photonics: Current status and emerging initiatives
A Rahim, T Spuesens, R Baets, W Bogaerts
Proceedings of the IEEE 106 (12), 2313-2330, 2018
Open-access silicon photonics platforms in Europe
A Rahim, J Goyvaerts, B Szelag, JM Fedeli, P Absil, T Aalto, M Harjanne, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25 (5), 1-18, 2019
Programmable photonics: An opportunity for an accessible large-volume PIC ecosystem
W Bogaerts, A Rahim
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (5), 1-17, 2020
Finite impulse response filter using 4-port MMI couplers for residual dispersion compensation
A Rahim, S Schwarz, J Bruns, K Voigt, DI Kroushkov, MT Arnous, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 30 (7), 990-996, 2012
Analog radio-over-fiber transceivers based on III–V-on-silicon photonics
K Van Gasse, L Bogaert, L Breyne, J Van Kerrebrouck, S Dhoore, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (21), 1818-1821, 2018
12.5 Gbit/s discretely tunable InP-on-silicon filtered feedback laser with sub-nanosecond wavelength switching times
S Dhoore, A Rahim, G Roelkens, G Morthier
Optics Express 26 (7), 8059-8068, 2018
16-Channel O-OFDM Demultiplexer in Silicon Photonics
A Rahim, S Schwarz, J Bruns, L Zimmermann, J Ahmed, CG Schäffer, ...
International Conference of Optical Fiber Communication (OFC), paper Th3F.2,, 2014
Heterogeneous integration in silicon photonics: opportunities and challenges: opinion
R Baets, A Rahim
Optical Materials Express 13 (12), 3439-3444, 2023
Silicon photonic implementation of a scalable O-OFDM demultiplexer
A Rahim, S Schwarz, J Bruns, K Voigt, G Winzer, L Zimmermann, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (20), 1977-1980, 2013
Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits
A Roel Baets, Wim Bogaerts, Bart Kuyken
Fibre Optic Communication Key Devices - Key Devices, 673-737, 2017
Terabit optical OFDM demultiplexer in silicon photonics
A Rahim, S Schwarz, J Bruns, CG Schäffer, K Petermann
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, JTh2A. 28, 2013
Comparison of phase error sensitivities of all-optical discrete Fourier transforms for OFDM demultiplexing
S Schwarz, CG Schäffer, A Rahim, J Bruns, K Petermann
Optical and Quantum Electronics 45, 775-781, 2013
Fully adjustable serial-parallel FIR filter for compensation of residual chromatic dispersion
S Schwarz, A Rahim, CG Schaeffer, J Bruns, K Petermann
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, We. 1. A. 1, 2012
Tutorial: programmable integrated photonics
W Bogaerts, X Chen, I Zand, M Wang, H Deng, L Van Iseghem, A Rahim, ...
2020 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), 1-3, 2020
69 Gb/s DMT direct modulation of a Heterogeneously Integrated InP-on-Si DFB Laser
A Rahim, A Abbasi, NS André, A Katumba, H Louchet, K Van Gasse, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th1B. 5, 2017
Silicon micro-photonic implementation of parallel-serial filter to compensate residual dispersion in optical communication systems
A Rahim
50 Gb/s DMT and 120 Mb/s LTE signal transmission over 5 km of optical fiber using a silicon photonics transceiver
A Rahim, A Abbasi, M Shahin, NS André, A Richter, J Van Kerrebrouck, ...
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IW1B. 4, 2018
16× 25 GHz Optical OFDM Demultiplexer in a 220nm Silicon Photonics Platform using a Parallel-Serial Filter Approach
A Rahim, B Haq, M Muneeb, A Ribeiro, R Baets, W Bogaerts
2017 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2017
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Articles 1–20