Gaetano Calogero
Gaetano Calogero
CNR Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (CNR-IMM)
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Cited by
A two-dimensional Dirac fermion microscope
P Bøggild, JM Caridad, C Stampfer, G Calogero, NR Papior, M Brandbyge
Nature communications 8 (1), 15783, 2017
Quantum interference engineering of nanoporous graphene for carbon nanocircuitry
G Calogero, I Alcón, N Papior, AP Jauho, M Brandbyge
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (33), 13081-13088, 2019
Electron transport in nanoporous graphene: probing the Talbot effect
G Calogero, NR Papior, B Kretz, A Garcia-Lekue, T Frederiksen, ...
Nano letters 19 (1), 576-581, 2018
Unveiling the multiradical character of the biphenylene network and its anisotropic charge transport
I Alcón, G Calogero, N Papior, A Antidormi, K Song, AW Cummings, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (18), 8278-8285, 2022
A graphene-edge ferroelectric molecular switch
JM Caridad, G Calogero, P Pedrinazzi, JE Santos, A Impellizzeri, T Gunst, ...
Nano Letters 18 (8), 4675-4683, 2018
Large-scale tight-binding simulations of quantum transport in ballistic graphene
G Calogero, NR Papior, P Bøggild, M Brandbyge
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (36), 364001, 2018
Role of basis sets on the unfolding of supercell band structures: From tight-binding to density functional theory
I Deretzis, G Calogero, GGN Angilella, A La Magna
Europhysics Letters 107 (2), 27006, 2014
Multi-scale approach to first-principles electron transport beyond 100 nm
G Calogero, N Papior, M Koleini, MHL Larsen, M Brandbyge
Nanoscale 11 (13), 6153-6164, 2019
Removing all periodic boundary conditions: Efficient nonequilibrium Green's function calculations
N Papior, G Calogero, S Leitherer, M Brandbyge
Physical Review B 100 (19), 195417, 2019
Electrochemical control of charge current flow in nanoporous graphene
I Alcón, G Calogero, N Papior, M Brandbyge
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (40), 2104031, 2021
Simple and efficient LCAO basis sets for the diffuse states in carbon nanostructures
NR Papior, G Calogero, M Brandbyge
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (25), 25LT01, 2018
Recognizing nitrogen dopant atoms in graphene using atomic force microscopy
NJ van der Heijden, D Smith, G Calogero, RS Koster, D Vanmaekelbergh, ...
Physical Review B 93 (24), 245430, 2016
Multiscale modeling of ultrafast melting phenomena
G Calogero, D Raciti, P Acosta-Alba, F Cristiano, I Deretzis, G Fisicaro, ...
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 36, 2022
Acetylene-mediated electron transport in nanostructured graphene and hexagonal boron nitride
I Alcón, N Papior, G Calogero, F Viñes, P Gamallo, M Brandbyge
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (45), 11220-11227, 2021
Multiscale pseudoatomistic quantum transport modeling for van der Waals heterostructures
G Lovarelli, G Calogero, G Fiori, G Iannaccone
Physical Review Applied 18 (3), 034045, 2022
Impact of surface reflectivity on the ultra-fast laser melting of silicon-germanium alloys
D Ricciarelli, G Mannino, I Deretzis, G Calogero, G Fisicaro, R Daubriac, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 165, 107635, 2023
Performance Evaluation of Printable Carbon‐Based Perovskite Solar Cells Infiltrated with Reusable CsPbI3:EuCl3 and Standard AVA‐MAPbI3
S Valastro, G Calogero, E Smecca, C Bongiorno, V Arena, G Mannino, ...
Solar RRL 8 (5), 2300944, 2024
Physical insights on transistors based on lateral heterostructures of monolayer and multilayer PtSe2 via Ab initio modelling of interfaces
G Calogero, D Marian, EG Marin, G Fiori, G Iannaccone
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18482, 2021
Ballistic two-dimensional lateral heterojunction bipolar transistor
L Lucchesi, G Calogero, G Fiori, G Iannaccone
Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023158, 2021
Atomistic insights into ultrafast SiGe nanoprocessing
G Calogero, D Raciti, D Ricciarelli, P Acosta-Alba, F Cristiano, R Daubriac, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (39), 19867-19877, 2023
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Articles 1–20