Erika Hall
Cited by
Cited by
Gendered races: Implications for interracial marriage, leadership selection, and athletic participation
AD Galinsky, EV Hall, AJC Cuddy
Psychological science 24 (4), 498-506, 2013
Black and blue: Exploring racial bias and law enforcement in the killings of unarmed black male civilians.
AV Hall, EV Hall, JL Perry
American Psychologist 71 (3), 175, 2016
MOSAIC: A model of stereotyping through associated and intersectional categories
EV Hall, AV Hall, AD Galinsky, KW Phillips
Academy of Management Review 44 (3), 643-672, 2019
Double jeopardy?: Gender bias against women of color in science
J Williams, KW Phillips, EV Hall
Hastings College of the Law, Center for WorkLife Law, 2014
Gender profiling: A gendered race perspective on person–position fit
EV Hall, AD Galinsky, KW Phillips
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (6), 853-868, 2015
A rose by any other name?: The consequences of subtyping “African-Americans” from “Blacks”
EV Hall, KW Phillips, SSM Townsend
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 183-190, 2015
Tools for change: Boosting the retention of women in the STEM pipeline
JC Williams, KW Phillips, EV Hall
Journal of Research in Gender Studies 6 (1), 11, 2016
Reexamining the link between economic downturns and racial antipathy: Evidence that prejudice against blacks rises during recessions
EC Bianchi, EV Hall, S Lee
Psychological Science 29 (10), 1584-1597, 2018
The hubris penalty: Biased responses to “celebration” displays of black football players
EV Hall, RW Livingston
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (4), 899-904, 2012
Medium and message: Globalization and innovation in the production field of Indian fashion
M Khaire, EV Hall
Organization Studies 37 (6), 845-865, 2016
Composition and compensation: The moderating effect of individual and team performance on the relationship between Black team member representation and salary.
EV Hall, DR Avery, PF McKay, JF Blot, M Edwards
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (3), 448, 2019
What’s in a name? The hidden historical ideologies embedded in the Black and African American racial labels
EV Hall, SSM Townsend, JT Carter
Psychological science 32 (11), 1720-1730, 2021
Double jeopardy?: Gender bias against women of color in science. Hastings College of the Law
J Williams, KW Phillips, EV Hall
Center for WorkLife Law, 2014
Measuring racial discrimination remotely: A contemporary review of unobtrusive measures
SJ Kellar, EV Hall
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (5), 1404-1430, 2022
A review of compensatory strategies to mitigate bias
O Holmes IV, G Lopiano, EV Hall
Personnel Assessment and Decisions 5 (2), 4, 2019
Descriptive and prescriptive stereotypes as a function of race and gender
EV Hall, KW Phillips, LA Rudman, P Glick, RW Livingston, AS Rosette, ...
Unpublished raw data, 2012
Laying the groundwork for future research in intersectionality: Descriptive and prescriptive stereotypes for Black and White women and men
EV Hall, KW Phillips, P Glick, RW Livingston, L Rudman, E Washington
Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL. Unpubl. manuscr, 2014
27. negotiator bandwidth
L Thompson, B Lucas, E Hall
Handbook of conflict management research, 461, 2014
Double Jeopardy? Gender bias against women of color in science. Tools For Change: boosting the retention of women in the STEM pipeline
JC Williams, KW Phillips, EV Hall
Hastings, CA. Retrieved from www. worklifelaw. org, 2014
Optimal Masculinity: Feminine races or genders attenuate sanctions for domineering behavior
EV Hall, KW Phillips
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 16134, 2012
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Articles 1–20