Jan A Venter
Jan A Venter
Department of Conservation Management, Nelson Mandela University; Centre for Wildlife
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Archaeological reconnaissance for middle stone age sites along the Pondoland Coast, South Africa
EC Fisher, M Poupart, J Pargeter, FH Neumann, CW Marean, A Jerardino, ...
PaleoAnthropology 2013, 104-137, 2013
Pleistocene vertebrate tracksites on the Cape south coast of South Africa and their potential palaeoecological implications
CW Helm, HC Cawththra, R Cowling, JC De Vynck, MG Lockley, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019
Identifying anthropogenic threats to Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres using community perceptions in communal farmland, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Bird Conservation International, 2014
Large mammals of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain showed resilience to extreme climate change but vulnerability to modern human impacts
JA Venter, C Brooke, C Marean, H Fritz, C Helm
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020
Snapshot safari: A large-scale collaborative to monitor Africa's remarkable biodiversity
LE Pardo, S Bombaci, SE Huebner, MJ Somers, H Fritz, C Downs, ...
South African Journal of Science 117 (1-2), 1-4, 2021
The foraging potential of the Holocene Cape south coast of South Africa without the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
CD Wren, S Botha, J De Vynck, MA Janssen, K Hill, E Shook, JA Harris, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019
Niche overlap and dietary resource partitioning in an African large carnivore guild
J Vogel, MJ Somers, JA Venter
Journal of Zoology, 2019
Feeding and habitat use of buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) in the Nama-Karoo, South Africa
JA Venter, LH Watson
South African Journal of Wildlife Research-24-month delayed open access 38 …, 2008
Foraging range and habitat use by Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres from the Msikaba colony, Eastern Cape province, South Africa
MB Pfeiffer, JA Venter, CT Downs
Koedoe 57 (1), 1-11, 2015
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing large African herbivore movements
JA Venter, HHT Prins, A Mashanova, WF de Boer, R Slotow
Ecological Informatics, 2015
Post‑fledging movement and spatial ecology of the endangered Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres)
FR Martens, MB Pfeiffer, C Downs, JA Venter
Journal of Ornithology, 1-10, 2018
Forage patch use by grazing herbivores in a South African grazing ecosystem
JA Venter, J Nabe-Nielsen, HHT Prins, R Slotow
Acta Theriologica 59, 457-466, 2014
An isotopic test of the seasonal migration hypothesis for large grazing ungulates inhabiting the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain
J Hodgkins, CW Marean, JA Venter, L Richardson, P Roberts, J Zech, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 235, 106221, 2020
Feeding Ecology of Large Browsing and Grazing Herbivores
JA Venter, M Vermeulen, C Brooke
The Ecology of Browsing and Grazing II, 127-153, 2019
Preliminary assessment of surf-zone and estuarine line-fish species of the Dwesa-Cwebe Marine Protected Area, Eastern Cape, South Africa
JA Venter, BQ Mann
Koedoe-African Protected Area Conservation and Science 54 (1), 10 pages, 2012
Excessive red tape is strangling biodiversity research in South Africa
GJ Alexander, KA Tolley, B Maritz, A McKechnie, P Manger, RL Thomson, ...
South African Journal of Science 117 (9-10), 2021
The Pleistocene fauna of the Cape south coast revealed through ichnology at two localities
CW Helm, HC Cawtra, JC de Vynck, RT Lockley, Martin G., McCrea, V Jan
South African Journal of Science 115 (1/2), 9 pages, 2019
Reconstructing grazer assemblages for protected area restoration
JA Venter, HHT Prins, DA Balfour, R Slotow
PLoS One 9 (3), e90900, 2014
Diet Composition of the Large Herbivores in Mkambati Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape, South Africa
JA Venter, MJ Kalule-Sabiti
African Journal of Wildlife Management 46 (1), 49-56, 2016
A checklist of the reptiles and amphibians found in protected areas along the South African Wild Coast, with notes on conservation implications
JA Venter, W Conradie
Koedoe 57 (1), 1-25, 2015
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Articles 1–20