April Wright
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Cited by
PartitionFinder 2: new methods for selecting partitioned models of evolution for molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses
R Lanfear, PB Frandsen, AM Wright, T Senfeld, B Calcott
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (3), 772-773, 2017
Bayesian analysis using a simple likelihood model outperforms parsimony for estimation of phylogeny from discrete morphological data
AM Wright, DM Hillis
PLoS One 9 (10), e109210, 2014
From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond
BN Harris, PC McCarthy, AM Wright, H Schutz, KS Boersma, SL Shepherd, ...
Ecology and evolution 10 (22), 12581-12612, 2020
Species delimitation in endangered groundwater salamanders: Implications for aquifer management and biodiversity conservation
TJ Devitt, AM Wright, DC Cannatella, DM Hillis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (7), 2624-2633, 2019
Modeling character change heterogeneity in phylogenetic analyses of morphology through the use of priors
AM Wright, GT Lloyd, DM Hillis
Systematic Biology 65 (4), 602-611, 2016
Inferring node dates from tip dates in fossil Canidae: the importance of tree priors
NJ Matzke, A Wright
Biology letters 12 (8), 20160328, 2016
Topology, divergence dates, and macroevolutionary inferences vary between different tip-dating approaches applied to fossil theropods (Dinosauria)
DW Bapst, AM Wright, NJ Matzke, GT Lloyd
Biology Letters 12 (7), 20160237, 2016
Which came first: the lizard or the egg? Robustness in phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral states
AM Wright, KM Lyons, MC Brandley, DM Hillis
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2015
Phylogenetic patterns of ant–fungus associations indicate that farming strategies, not only a superior fungal cultivar, explain the ecological success of leafcutter ants
UG Mueller, MR Kardish, HD Ishak, AM Wright, SE Solomon, SM Bruschi, ...
Molecular ecology 27 (10), 2414-2434, 2018
A systematist’s guide to estimating Bayesian phylogenies from morphological data
AM Wright
Insect Systematics and Diversity 3 (3), 2, 2019
Integrating fossil observations into phylogenetics using the fossilized birth–death model
AM Wright, DW Bapst, J Barido-Sottani, RCM Warnock
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 53 (1), 251-273, 2022
Shared Escovopsis parasites between leaf-cutting and non-leaf-cutting ants in the higher attine fungus-growing ant symbiosis
LA Meirelles, SE Solomon, M Bacci Jr, AM Wright, UG Mueller, ...
Royal Society Open Science 2 (9), 150257, 2015
Long-branch attraction and the phylogeny of true water bugs (Hemiptera: Nepomorpha) as estimated from mitochondrial genomes
T Li, J Hua, AM Wright, Y Cui, Q Xie, W Bu, DM Hillis
BMC evolutionary biology 14, 1-12, 2014
Testing character evolution models in phylogenetic paleobiology: a case study with Cambrian echinoderms
A Wright, PJ Wagner, DF Wright
Elements of Paleontology, 2021
Understanding the tripartite approach to Bayesian divergence time estimation
RCM Warnock, AM Wright
Elements of Paleontology, 2020
The why, when, and how of computing in biology classrooms
AM Wright, RS Schwartz, JR Oaks, CE Newman, SP Flanagan
F1000Research 8, 1854, 2020
Seven rules for simulations in paleobiology
J Barido-Sottani, EE Saupe, TM Smiley, LC Soul, AM Wright, ...
Paleobiology 46 (4), 435-444, 2020
Bayesian analyses in phylogenetic palaeontology: interpreting the posterior sample
AM Wright, GT Lloyd
Palaeontology 63 (6), 997-1006, 2020
Handling Character Dependency in Phylogenetic Inference: Extensive Performance Testing of Assumptions and Solutions Using Simulated Data
TR Simões, OV Vernygora, BAS de Medeiros, AM Wright
EcoEvoRxiv, 2022
Estimating a time-calibrated phylogeny of fossil and extant taxa using RevBayes
J Barido-Sottani, JA Justison, AM Wright, RCM Warnock, W Pett, TA Heath
Phylogenetics in the genomic era, 5.2: 1--5.2: 23, 2020
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Articles 1–20