Yao Yao
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Cited by
Finite time singularity for the modified SQG patch equation
A Kiselev, L Ryzhik, Y Yao, A Zlatoš
Annals of Mathematics, 909-948, 2016
Aggregation-diffusion equations: dynamics, asymptotics, and singular limits
JA Carrillo, K Craig, Y Yao
Active Particles, Volume 2: Advances in Theory, Models, and Applications, 65-108, 2019
Nonlinear aggregation-diffusion equations: radial symmetry and long time asymptotics
JA Carrillo, S Hittmeir, B Volzone, Y Yao
Inventiones mathematicae 218, 889-977, 2019
Mixing and un-mixing by incompressible flows
Y Yao, A Zlatoš
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 19 (7), 1911–1948, 2017
Symmetry in stationary and uniformly rotating solutions of active scalar equations
J Gómez-Serrano, J Park, J Shi, Y Yao
Duke Mathematical Journal 170 (13), 2957-3038, 2021
Local regularity for the modified SQG patch equation
A Kiselev, Y Yao, A Zlatoš
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 70 (7), 1253-1315, 2017
The Patlak–Keller–Segel model and its variations: properties of solutions via maximum principle
I Kim, Y Yao
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 44 (2), 568-602, 2012
Finite time blow up for a 1D model of 2D Boussinesq system
K Choi, A Kiselev, Y Yao
Communications in Mathematical Physics 334, 1667-1679, 2015
On the Finite‐Time Blowup of a One‐Dimensional Model for the Three‐Dimensional Axisymmetric Euler Equations
K Choi, TY Hou, A Kiselev, G Luo, V Sverak, Y Yao
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 70 (11), 2218-2243, 2017
Quasi-static evolution and congested crowd transport
D Alexander, I Kim, Y Yao
Nonlinearity 27 (4), 823, 2014
Congested aggregation via Newtonian interaction
K Craig, I Kim, Y Yao
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 227, 1-67, 2018
Confinement for repulsive-attractive kernels
D Balagué, JA Carrillo, Y Yao
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B. 19 (5), 1227–1248, 2014
Uniqueness and Nonuniqueness of Steady States of Aggregation‐Diffusion Equations
MG Delgadino, X Yan, Y Yao
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 75 (1), 3-59, 2022
Small scale formations in the incompressible porous media equation
A Kiselev, Y Yao
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 247 (1), 1, 2023
An aggregation equation with degenerate diffusion: Qualitative property of solutions
L Chayes, I Kim, Y Yao
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 45 (5), 2995-3018, 2013
Asymptotic behavior for critical Patlak–Keller–Segel model and a repulsive–attractive aggregation equation
Y Yao
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 31 (1), 81-101, 2014
Blow-up dynamics for the aggregation equation with degenerate diffusion
Y Yao, AL Bertozzi
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 260, 77-89, 2013
Stability and dynamics of magnetocapillary interactions
R Chinomona, J Lajeunesse, WH Mitchell, Y Yao, SE Spagnolie
Soft matter 11 (9), 1828-1838, 2015
Remarks on stationary and uniformly-rotating vortex sheets: Rigidity results
J Gómez-Serrano, J Park, J Shi, Y Yao
Communications in Mathematical Physics 386 (3), 1845-1879, 2021
Suppression of chemotactic singularity by buoyancy
Z Hu, A Kiselev, Y Yao
Geometric and Functional Analysis, 1-30, 2025
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Articles 1–20