Seyyed Ali Seyyedsalehi
Cited by
Cited by
Nonlinear Poisson regression using neural networks: A simulation study
N Fallah, H Gu, K Mohammad, SA Seyyedsalehi, K Nourijelyani, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 18, 939-943, 2009
Protein secondary structure prediction using modular reciprocal bidirectional recurrent neural networks
S Babaei, A Geranmayeh, SA Seyyedsalehi
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 100 (3), 237-247, 2010
Audio-visual feature fusion via deep neural networks for automatic speech recognition
MH Rahmani, F Almasganj, SA Seyyedsalehi
Digital Signal Processing 82, 54-63, 2018
A fast and efficient pre-training method based on layer-by-layer maximum discrimination for deep neural networks
SZ Seyyedsalehi, SA Seyyedsalehi
Neurocomputing 168, 669-680, 2015
Nonlinear association between serum testosterone levels and coronary artery disease in Iranian men
N Fallah, K Mohammad, K Nourijelyani, MR Eshraghian, ...
European journal of epidemiology 24, 297-306, 2009
Simultaneous learning of nonlinear manifolds based on the bottleneck neural network
SZ Seyyedsalehi, SA Seyyedsalehi
Neural processing letters 40, 191-209, 2014
Nonlinear analysis and synthesis of video images using deep dynamic bottleneck neural networks for face recognition
SM Moghadam, SA Seyyedsalehi
Neural Networks 105, 304-315, 2018
Nonlinear enhancement of noisy speech, using continuous attractor dynamics formed in recurrent neural networks
L Dehyadegary, SA Seyyedsalehi, I Nejadgholi
Neurocomputing 74 (17), 2716-2724, 2011
Comparison between wavelet packet transform, Bark Wavelet & MFCC for robust speech recognition tasks
RH Tohidypour, SA Seyyedsalehi, H Behbood
2010 The 2nd International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and …, 2010
Towards designing modular recurrent neural networks in learning protein secondary structures
S Babaei, A Geranmayeh, SA Seyyedsalehi
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (6), 6263-6274, 2012
Stain transfer using generative adversarial networks and disentangled features
AZ Moghadam, H Azarnoush, SA Seyyedsalehi, M Havaei
Computers in Biology and Medicine 142, 105219, 2022
Toward growing modular deep neural networks for continuous speech recognition
Z Ansari, SA Seyyedsalehi
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 1177-1196, 2017
Nonlinear normalization of input patterns to speaker variability in speech recognition neural networks
I Nejadgholi, SA Seyyedsalehi
Neural computing and applications 18, 45-55, 2009
A new representation for speech frame recognition based on redundant wavelet filter banks
HR Tohidypour, SA Seyyedsalehi, H Behbood, H Roshandel
Speech Communication 54 (2), 256-271, 2012
Video-based face recognition and image synthesis from rotating head frames using nonlinear manifold learning by neural networks
K Hamedani, SA Seyyedsalehi, R Ahamdi
Neural Computing and Applications 27, 1761-1769, 2016
Unaligned training for voice conversion based on a local nonlinear principal component analysis approach
B Makki, MN Hosseini, SA Seyyedsalehi, N Sadati
Neural computing and applications 19, 437-444, 2010
Robust speech recognition by modifying clean and telephone feature vectors using bidirectional neural network.
M Vali, SAS Salehi, K Karimi
Modeling phones coarticulation effects in a neural network based speech recognition system.
L Ansary, SAS Salehi
Interspeech, 1657-1660, 2004
A brain-inspired method of facial expression generation using chaotic feature extracting bidirectional associative memory
I Nejadgholi, SA SeyyedSalehi, S Chartier
Neural Processing Letters 46, 943-960, 2017
Voice conversion using nonlinear principal component analysis
B Makki, SA Seyedsalehi, N Sadati, MN Hosseini
2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal …, 2007
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Articles 1–20