Scott Condie
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Cited by
The strengthening East Australian Current, its eddies and biological effects—an introduction and overview
IM Suthers, JW Young, ME Baird, M Roughan, JD Everett, GB Brassington, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (5), 538-546, 2011
The 5500‐km‐long boundary flow off western and southern Australia
KR Ridgway, SA Condie
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 109 (C4), 2004
Observations and modelling of Antarctic downslope flows: A review
PG Baines, S Condie
Ocean, Ice, and Atmosphere: Interactions at the Antarctic Continental Margin …, 1998
Connectivity and systemic resilience of the Great Barrier Reef
K Hock, NH Wolff, JC Ortiz, SA Condie, KRN Anthony, PG Blackwell, ...
PLoS biology 15 (11), e2003355, 2017
Seasonal characteristics of the surface mixed layer in the Australasian region: implications for primary production regimes and biogeography
SA Condie, JR Dunn
Marine and Freshwater Research 57 (6), 569-590, 2006
Early human settlement of Sahul was not an accident
MI Bird, SA Condie, S o’Connor, D o’Grady, C Reepmeyer, S Ulm, M Zega, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8220, 2019
Connectivity networks reveal the risks of crown‐of‐thorns starfish outbreaks on the Great Barrier Reef
K Hock, NH Wolff, SA Condie, KRN Anthony, PJ Mumby
Journal of applied ecology 51 (5), 1188-1196, 2014
Retention of plankton within ocean eddies
S Condie, R Condie
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (10), 1264-1277, 2016
Palaeogeography and voyage modeling indicates early human colonization of Australia was likely from Timor-Roti
MI Bird, RJ Beaman, SA Condie, A Cooper, S Ulm, P Veth
Quaternary Science Reviews 191, 431-439, 2018
The influence of density stratification on particle settling, dispersion and population growth
SA Condie, M Bormans
Journal of Theoretical Biology 187 (1), 65-75, 1997
Circulation and connectivity on the Australian North West shelf
SA Condie, JR Andrewartha
Continental Shelf Research 28 (14), 1724-1739, 2008
Marine connectivity patterns around the Australian continent
SA Condie, J Waring, JV Mansbridge, ML Cahill
Environmental modelling & software 20 (9), 1149-1157, 2005
Modelling the recruitment of tiger prawns Penaeus esculentus and P. semisulcatus to nursery grounds in the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia: implications for assessing …
SA Condie, NR Loneragan, DJ Die
Marine Ecology Progress Series 178, 55-68, 1999
Large-scale interventions may delay decline of the Great Barrier Reef
SA Condie, KRN Anthony, RC Babcock, ME Baird, R Beeden, CS Fletcher, ...
Royal Society Open Science 8 (4), 201296, 2021
Contrasting local retention and cross-shore transports of the East Australian Current and the Leeuwin Current and their relative influences on the life histories of small …
SA Condie, JV Mansbridge, ML Cahill
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (5), 606-615, 2011
Modelling the distribution of Anabaena and Melosira in a stratified river weir pool
M Bormans, SA Condie
Hydrobiologia 364, 3-13, 1997
The influence of wind stress, temperature, and humidity gradients on evaporation from reservoirs
SA Condie, IT Webster
Water Resources Research 33 (12), 2813-2822, 1997
Estimating stratification in shallow water bodies from mean meteorological conditions
SA Condie, IT Webster
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 127 (4), 286-292, 2001
Descent of dense water masses along continental slopes
SA Condie
Split spawning increases robustness of coral larval supply and inter-reef connectivity
K Hock, C Doropoulos, R Gorton, SA Condie, PJ Mumby
Nature communications 10 (1), 3463, 2019
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Articles 1–20