Aukse Balcytiene
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring individual processes of knowledge construction with hypertext
A Balcytiene
Instructional science 27, 303-328, 1999
The influence of the internet on European journalism
L Fortunati, M Sarrica, J O'Sullivan, A Balcytiene, H Harro-Loit, ...
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 14 (4), 928-963, 2009
Culture as a guide in theoretical explorations of Baltic media
A Balčytienė
Comparing media systems beyond the Western world, 51-71, 2012
Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia …
R Kies, S Lukasik
Centre of media pluralism and media Freedom, European University Institute, 2023
Market-led reforms as incentives for media change, development and diversification in the Baltic States: A small country approach
A Balčytienė
International Communication Gazette 71 (1-2), 39-49, 2009
Online and print newspapers in Europe in 2003. Evolving towards complementarity
R Van der Wurff, E Lauf, A Balčytienė, L Fortunati, SL Holmberg, ...
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 33 (4), 403-430, 2008
Žiniasklaidos tekstai
A Balčytienė
Darbai ir dienos 24, 109-120, 2000
Assessing Conditions for the Homogenisation of the European Public Sphere: How Journalists Report, and Could Report, on Europe
A Balčytienė, A Vinciūnienė
Mapping the European Public Sphere, 141-158, 2016
Mass Media in Lithuania: Development, Changes and Journalism Culture
A Balčytienė
Berlin: Vistas, 2006
Media Transformations: the Post-transition Lessons in lithuania and estonia
A Balčytienė, E Lauk
Informacijos mokslai 33, 96-109, 2005
The early stages of the integration of the internet in EU newsrooms
M Sarrica, L Fortunati, J O'Sullivan, A Balcytiene, P Macgregor, V Nuust, ...
European Journal of Communication 25 (4), 413-422, 2010
Context, news values and relationships with sources-three factors determining professional practices of media reporting on European matters
P Mancini, S Allern, O Baisnée, A BALČYTIENė, O Hahn, M Lazar, ...
Reporting and Managing European News: Final Report of the Project" Adequate …, 2007
Between reality and illusion: re-examining the diversity of media and online professional journalism in the Baltic States
A Balčytienė, H Harro-Loit
Journal of Baltic Studies 40 (4), 517-530, 2009
Understanding the complexity of EU communication: the spokespersons' perspective
A Balcytiene, K Raeymaeckers, E De Bens, R SCHRöDER
Understanding the Logic of EU Reporting from Brussels. Analysis of …, 2007
Oligarchization, de-Westernization and vulnerability: Media between democracy and authoritarianism in Central and Eastern Europe
A Balčytienė, P Bajomi-Lázár, V Štětka, M Sükösd
Tidsskrift for Medier, Erkendelse Og Formidling 3 (1), 2015
Acceleration of history, political instabilities, and media change
A Balcytiene
Media and politics in new democracies: Europe in a comparative perspective …, 2015
Lithuanian media: a question of change
A Balčytienė
Baltic media in transition/edited by Peeter Vihalemm, 103-134, 2002
Systemic media changes and social and political polarization in Europe
A Balčytienė, K Juraitė
European Media in Crisis, 20-42, 2015
A cross-regional comparison of selected European newspaper journalists and their evolving attitudes towards the internet-including a single-country focus on the UK
P MacGregor, A Balcytiene, L Fortunati, V Nuust, J O'Sullivan, N Roussou, ...
Journalism 12 (5), 627-646, 2011
Changing practices of journalism
A Balcytiene, K Raeymaeckers, E Vartanova
Media in Europe today, 221-233, 2011
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Articles 1–20