Departament d'Història i Arqueologia. Universitat de Barcelona
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The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8000 years
I Olalde, S Mallick, N Patterson, N Rohland, V Villalba-Mouco, M Silva, ...
Science 363 (6432), 1230-1234, 2019
A common genetic origin for early farmers from Mediterranean Cardial and Central European LBK cultures
I Olalde, H Schroeder, M Sandoval-Velasco, L Vinner, I Lobón, O Ramirez, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (12), 3132-3142, 2015
New middle Pleistocene hominin cranium from Gruta da Aroeira (Portugal)
J Daura, M Sanz, JL Arsuaga, DL Hoffmann, RM Quam, MC Ortega, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (13), 3397-3402, 2017
Terrasses de la Riera dels Canyars (Gavà, Barcelona): the landscape of Heinrich Stadial 4 north of the “Ebro frontier” and implications for modern human dispersal into Iberia
J Daura, M Sanz, N García, E Allué, M Vaquero, E Fierro, JS Carrión, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 60, 26-48, 2013
Case report: assessment of sow mortality in a large herd
M Sanz, JD Roberts, CJ Perfumo, RM Alvarez, T Donovan, GW Almond
Journal of Swine Health and Production 15 (1), 30-36, 2007
A neandertal mandible from the Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona, Spain)
J Daura, M Sanz, ME Subirá, R Quam, JM Fullola, JL Arsuaga
Journal of Human Evolution 49 (1), 56-70, 2005
Carcass damage and digested bone from mountain lions (Felis concolor): implications for carcass persistence on landscapes as a function of prey age
MC Stiner, ND Munro, M Sanz
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (4), 896-907, 2012
Stratigraphic context and direct dating of the Neandertal mandible from Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona)
J Daura, M Sanz, AWG Pike, ME Subirà, JJ Fornós, JM Fullola, R Julià, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 59 (1), 109-122, 2010
Cueva Antón: A multi-proxy MIS 3 to MIS 5a paleoenvironmental record for SE Iberia
J Zilhao, A Ajas, E Badal, C Burow, M Kehl, JA López-Sáez, C Pimenta, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 146, 251-273, 2016
Entrenamiento en Habilidades Sociales aplicada a jóvenes tímidos
ND Martínez, M Sanz
Trabajo de Diploma. Universidad de Oriente. Cuba. Recuperado de: http://www …, 2001
Cova del Rinoceront (Castelldefels, Barcelona): a terrestrial record for the Last Interglacial period (MIS 5) in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula
J Daura, M Sanz, R Julià, D García-Fernández, JJ Fornós, M Vaquero, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 114, 203-227, 2015
Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and anthropogenic activity from the Upper Pleistocene/Holocene anthracological records of the NE Iberian Peninsula (Barcelona, Spain)
E Allue, L Picornell-Gelabert, J Daura, M Sanz
Quaternary International 457, 172-189, 2017
Not only hyenids: A multi-scale analysis of Upper Pleistocene carnivore coprolites in Cova del Coll Verdaguer (NE Iberian Peninsula)
M Sanz, J Daura, N Égüez, JP Brugal
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 443, 249-262, 2016
Heinrich event 4 characterized by terrestrial proxies in southwestern Europe
JM López-García, HA Blain, M Bennàsar, M Sanz, J Daura
Climate of the Past 9 (3), 1053-1064, 2013
Amber, beads and social interaction in the Late Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula: an update
CP Odriozola, AC Sousa, R Mataloto, R Boaventura, M Andrade, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 567-595, 2019
A 400,000-year-old Acheulean assemblage associated with the Aroeira-3 human cranium (Gruta da Aroeira, Almonda karst system, Portugal)
J Daura, M Sanz, M Deschamps, H Matias, M Igreja, L Villaescusa, ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (8), 594-615, 2018
A coastal reservoir of terrestrial resources for neanderthal populations in north‐eastern Iberia: palaeoenvironmental data inferred from the small‐vertebrate assemblage of Cova …
JM López‐García, HA Blain, M Sanz, J Daura
Journal of Quaternary Science 27 (1), 105-113, 2012
Palaeoenvironments of the last Neanderthals in SW Europe (MIS 3): Cova del Coll Verdaguer (Barcelona, NE of Iberian Peninsula)
J Daura, M Sanz, E Allué, M Vaquero, JM López-García, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 177, 34-56, 2017
First evidence of collective human inhumation from the cardial neolithic (Cova Bonica, Barcelona, NE Iberian Peninsula)
FX Oms, J Daura, M Sanz, S Mendiela, M Pedro, P Martínez
Journal of Field Archaeology 42 (1), 43-53, 2017
Predator agents and leporid accumulations: the case of Terrasses de la Riera dels Canyars (Gavà, Barcelona, Spain)
NY Rosado-Méndez, L Lloveras, J Daura, J Nadal, M Sanz
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 22, 980-1005, 2015
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Articles 1–20