Jerzy Romanowski
Jerzy Romanowski
Professor at Faculty of Biology and Environmental Studies UKSW in Warsaw
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Fungal Planet description sheets: 1284–1382
PW Crous, ER Osieck, Ž Jurjević, J Boers, AL Van Iperen, ...
Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 47, 178, 2021
Variation in diet of Tawny Owl Strix aluco L. along an urbanization gradient
J Goszczyński, P Jabłoński, G Lesiński, J Romanowski
Acta ornithologica 27 (2), 113-123, 1993
Effect of season, weather and habitat on diet variation of a feeding-specialist: a case study of the long-eared owl, Asio otus in Central Poland
J Romanowski, M Zmihorski
Folia Zoologica 57 (4), 411, 2008
Effects of management on invertebrates and birds in extensively used grassland of Poland
A Hoste-Danyłow, J Romanowski, M Żmihorski
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 139 (1-2), 129-133, 2010
Roosting behavior and group territoriality in American crows
DF Caccamise, LM Reed, J Romanowski, PC Stouffer
The Auk 114 (4), 628-637, 1997
Antibodies to alphavirus, flavivirus, and bunyavirus arboviruses in house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and tree sparrows (P. montanus) in Poland
Z Juřicová, J Pinowski, I Literak, KH Hahm, J Romanowski
Avian diseases, 182-185, 1998
Trophic ecology of Asio otus (L.) and Athene noctua (Scop.) in the suburbs of Warsaw
J Romanowski
Polish Ecological Studies 14 (1-2), 223-234, 1988
Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) decline after the expansion of American mink (Neovison vison) in Poland
M Brzeziński, J Romanowski, M Żmihorski, K Karpowicz
European Journal of Wildlife Research 56, 341-348, 2010
Otter Lutra lutra distribution in Poland
M Brzeziński, J Romanowski, JP Cygan, B Pabin
Acta theriologica 41 (2), 113-126, 1996
Habitat correlates of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra recolonizing Central Poland
J Romanowski, M Brzeziński, M Żmihorski
Acta theriologica 58, 149-155, 2013
Monitoring the otter recolonisation of Poland
J Romanowsky
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 17 (1), 2006
Habitat and seasonal variations in diet of otters, Lutra lutra in eastern Poland
M Brzeziński, J Romanowski, Ł Kopczyński, E Kurowicka
Folia Zool 55 (4), 337-348, 2006
On the diet of urban Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) in Warsaw
J Romanowski
Buteo 8, 123-130, 1996
Notes on the technique of the otter field survey
J Romanowski, M Brzeziński, JP Cygan
Acta Theriologica 41 (2), 199-204, 1996
Vistula river valley as the ecological corridor for mammals
J Romanowski
Polish Journal of Ecology 55 (4), 805, 2007
A note on the diet of stone marten in southeastern Romania
J Romanowski, G Lesiński
Acta Theriologica 36 (1-2), 201-204, 1991
Seasonal and habitat variation in the diet of the tawny owl (Strix aluco) in central Poland during unusually warm years
J Romanowski, M Żmihorski
Biologia 64 (2), 365-369, 2009
The contamination of inland waters by microplastic fibres under different anthropogenic pressure: Preliminary study in Central Europe (Poland)
A Kaliszewicz, M Winczek, K Karaban, D Kurzydłowski, M Górska, ...
Waste Management & Research 38 (11), 1231-1238, 2020
Small mammals of Kampinos National Park and its protection zone, as revealed by analyses of the diet of tawny owls Strix aluco Linnaeus, 1758
G Lesiński, J Romanowski, J Gryz, A Olszewski, M Kowalski, ...
Fragmenta Faunistica 56 (1), 65-81, 2013
Habitat preferences of a declining population of the little owl, Athene noctua in Central Poland
M Zmihorski, J Romanowski, G Osojca
Folia Zoologica 58 (2), 207, 2009
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