Bach Martin
Bach Martin
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Cited by
Mitigation strategies to reduce pesticide inputs into ground-and surface water and their effectiveness; a review
S Reichenberger, M Bach, A Skitschak, HG Frede
Science of the total environment 384 (1-3), 1-35, 2007
Nährstoffbilanzierung der Flußgebiete Deutschlands: Forschungsbericht 29625515
H Behrendt, Berlin Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Umweltbundesamt, 1999
Pollution of surface waters with pesticides in Germany: modeling non-point source inputs
A Huber, M Bach, HG Frede
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 80 (3), 191-204, 2000
Large scale prediction of groundwater nitrate concentrations from spatial data using machine learning
L Knoll, L Breuer, M Bach
Science of the total environment 668, 1317-1327, 2019
Point‐and nonpoint‐source pesticide contamination in the Zwester Ohm catchment, Germany
K Müller, M Bach, H Hartmann, M Spiteller, HG Frede
Journal of environmental quality 31 (1), 309-318, 2002
Dynamic programming of economic decisions
MF Bach
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Lectures on location theory
MF Bach
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Atlas zum Nitratstrom in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Rasterkarten zu geowissenschaftlichen Grundlagen, Stickstoffbilanzgroessen und Modellergebnissen.
F Wendland, H Albert, M Bach, R Schmidt
Biodegradability of a polyacrylate superabsorbent in agricultural soil
B Wilske, M Bai, B Lindenstruth, M Bach, Z Rezaie, HG Frede, L Breuer
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 9453-9460, 2014
Agricultural nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balances in Germany—Methodology and trends 1970 to 1995
M Bach, HG Frede
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 161 (4), 385-393, 1998
Inventory control: models and methods
D Bartmann, MF Bach
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Variational problems with concentration
M Flucher
Springer Science & Business Media, 1999
Die potentielle Nitrat-Belastung des Sickerwassers durch die Landwirtschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: eine regional differenzierende Abschätzung; mit 23 …
M Bach
Inst. für Bodenkunde, 1987
Degradation kinetics of biochar from pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization in temperate soils
M Bai, B Wilske, F Buegger, J Esperschütz, CI Kammann, C Eckhardt, ...
Plant and soil 372, 375-387, 2013
Rank in organizations
MF Bach
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Accuracy and congruency of three different digital land-use maps
M Bach, L Breuer, HG Frede, JA Huisman, A Otte, R Waldhardt
Landscape and urban planning 78 (4), 289-299, 2006
Current economic obstacles to biochar use in agriculture and climate change mitigation
M Bach, B Wilske, L Breuer
Carbon Management 7 (3-4), 183-190, 2016
Nation-wide estimation of groundwater redox conditions and nitrate concentrations through machine learning
L Knoll, L Breuer, M Bach
Environmental Research Letters 15 (6), 064004, 2020
Hydrological characterisation of pesticide loads using hydrograph separation at different scales in a German catchment
K Müller, M Deurer, H Hartmann, M Bach, M Spiteller, HG Frede
Journal of hydrology 273 (1-4), 1-17, 2003
Nutrient emissions into river basins of Germany on the basis of a harmonized procedure
H Behrendt, M Bach, R Kunkel, D Opitz, WG Pagenkopf, G Scholz, ...
UBA-Texte 82 (03), 201, 2003
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Articles 1–20