Helen C.M. Smith
Helen C.M. Smith
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Modelling analysis of the sensitivity of shoreline change to a wave farm
DL Millar, HCM Smith, DE Reeve
Ocean engineering 34 (5-6), 884-901, 2007
Novel offshore application of photovoltaics in comparison to conventional marine renewable energy technologies
K Trapani, DL Millar, HCM Smith
Renewable Energy 50, 879-888, 2013
Further analysis of change in nearshore wave climate due to an offshore wave farm: An enhanced case study for the Wave Hub site
HCM Smith, C Pearce, DL Millar
Renewable energy 40 (1), 51-64, 2012
Wave resource assessment along the Cornish coast (UK) from a 23-year hindcast dataset validated against buoy measurements
JCC van Nieuwkoop, HCM Smith, GH Smith, L Johanning
Renewable Energy 58, 1-14, 2013
Mooring line fatigue damage evaluation for floating marine energy converters: Field measurements and prediction
PR Thies, L Johanning, V Harnois, HCM Smith, DN Parish
Renewable Energy 63, 133-144, 2014
Predicting the large-scale consequences of offshore wind turbine array development on a North Sea ecosystem
J van der Molen, HCM Smith, P Lepper, S Limpenny, J Rees
Continental Shelf Research 85, 60-72, 2014
A wave energy resource assessment case study: Review, analysis and lessons learnt
HCM Smith, D Haverson, GH Smith
Renewable Energy 60, 510-521, 2013
Geomorphological control on boulder transport and coastal erosion before, during and after an extreme extra‐tropical cyclone
LA Naylor, WJ Stephenson, H Smith, O Way, J Mendelssohn, A Cowley
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (5), 685-700, 2016
Modelling the hydrodynamic and morphological impacts of a tidal stream development in Ramsey Sound
D Haverson, J Bacon, HCM Smith, V Venugopal, Q Xiao
Renewable Energy 126, 876-887, 2018
Spatio-temporal variation in wave power and implications for electricity supply
I Fairley, HCM Smith, B Robertson, M Abusara, I Masters
Renewable Energy 114, 154-165, 2017
Spatial variation in currents generated in the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility
DR Noble, T Davey, HCM Smith, P Kaklis, A Robinson, T Bruce
Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 1-8, 2015
Re-creation of site-specific multi-directional waves with non-collinear current
S Draycott, DR Noble, T Davey, T Bruce, DM Ingram, L Johanning, ...
Ocean Engineering 152, 391-403, 2018
Development, Verification and Application of the SNL-SWAN Open Source Wave Farm Code
K Ruehl, A Porter, C Chartrand, H Smith, G Chang, J Roberts
Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Nantes …, 2015
Assessment of entanglement risk to marine megafauna due to offshore renewable energy mooring systems
V Harnois, HCM Smith, S Benjamins, L Johanning
International Journal of Marine Energy 11, 27-49, 2015
Wave transformation across a macrotidal shore platform under low to moderate energy conditions
WJ Stephenson, LA Naylor, H Smith, B Chen, RP Brayne
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (1), 298-311, 2018
Understanding the potential for marine megafauna entanglement risk from renewable marine energy developments
S Benjamins, V Harnois, HCM Smith, L Johanning, L Greenhill, C Carter, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental …, 2014
Environmental interactions of tidal lagoons: a comparison of industry perspectives
K Mackinnon, H Smith, F Moore, AH van der Weijde, I Lazakis
Renewable Energy, 1-23, 2017
The wave power climate at the Wave Hub site
EG Pitt, A Saulter, H Smith
Applied Wave Research, 2006
Generalisation of wave farm impact assessment on inshore wave climate
HCM Smith, DL Millar, DE Reeve
Proceedings of the 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Porto …, 2007
Cumulative impact assessment of tidal stream energy extraction in the Irish Sea
D Haverson, J Bacon, HCM Smith, V Venugopal, Q Xiao
Ocean Engineering 137, 417-428, 2017
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