Alexandra Gemitzi
Alexandra Gemitzi
Professor of Geographic Information Systems, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
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Combining geographic information system, multicriteria evaluation techniques and fuzzy logic in siting MSW landfills
A Gemitzi, VA Tsihrintzis, E Voudrias, C Petalas, G Stravodimos
Environmental Geology 51, 797-811, 2007
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution: a combination of GIS, fuzzy logic and decision making techniques
A Gemitzi, C Petalas, VA Tsihrintzis, V Pisinaras
Environmental Geology 49, 653-673, 2006
Hydrological and water quality modeling in a medium-sized basin using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
V Pisinaras, C Petalas, GD Gikas, A Gemitzi, VA Tsihrintzis
Desalination 250 (1), 274-286, 2010
Determination of annual and seasonal daytime and nighttime trends of MODIS LST over Greece - climate change implications
A Eleftheriou, D., Kiachidis, K., Kalmintzis, G., Kalea, A., Bantasis, C ...
Science of the Total Environment 616, 937-947, 2018
Groundwater pollution and quality monitoring approaches at the European level
M Balderacchi, P Benoit, P Cambier, OM Eklo, A Gargini, A Gemitzi, ...
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 43 (4), 323-408, 2013
Toward operational methods for the assessment of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability: A review
P Wachniew, AJ Zurek, C Stumpp, A Gemitzi, A Gargini, M Filippini, ...
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 46 (9), 827-884, 2016
Use of GIS in siting stabilization pond facilities for domestic wastewater treatment
A Gemitzi, VA Tsihrintzis, O Christou, C Petalas
Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2), 155-166, 2007
Developing empirical monthly groundwater recharge equations based on modeling and remote sensing data–Modeling future groundwater recharge to predict potential climate change …
A Gemitzi, H Ajami, HH Richnow
Journal of hydrology 546, 1-13, 2017
Evaluating landslide susceptibility using environmental factors, fuzzy membership functions and GIS
A Gemitzi, G Falalakis, P Eskioglou, C Petalas
Global NEST Journal 13 (1), 28-40, 2011
Detecting geothermal anomalies using Landsat 8 thermal infrared remotely sensed data
A Gemitzi, P Dalampakis, G Falalakis
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 96, 102283, 2021
Evaluation of the effects of climate and man intervention on ground waters and their dependent ecosystems using time series analysis
A Gemitzi, K Stefanopoulos
Journal of hydrology 403 (1-2), 130-140, 2011
Performance assessment of nitrate leaching models for highly vulnerable soils used in low-input farming based on lysimeter data
P Groenendijk, M Heinen, G Klammler, J Fank, H Kupfersberger, ...
Science of the total environment 499, 463-480, 2014
Current conditions of saltwater intrusion in the coastal Rhodope aquifer system, northeastern Greece
C Petalas, V Pisinaras, A Gemitzi, VA Tsihrintzis, K Ouzounis
Desalination 237 (1-3), 22-41, 2009
Evaluating the anthropogenic impacts on groundwaters; a methodology based on the determination of natural background levels and threshold values
A Gemitzi
Environmental Earth Sciences 67, 2223-2237, 2012
A simple method for water balance estimation based on the empirical method and remotely sensed evapotranspiration estimates
G Falalakis, A Gemitzi
Journal of Hydroinformatics 22 (2), 440-451, 2020
Delineation of groundwater protection zones by the backward particle tracking method: theoretical background and GIS-based stochastic analysis
KN Moutsopoulos, A Gemitzi, VA Tsihrintzis
Environmental Geology 54, 1081-1090, 2008
Application of the Multi-Attribute Value Theory for engaging stakeholders in groundwater protection in the Vosvozis catchment in Greece
K Stefanopoulos, H Yang, A Gemitzi, KP Tsagarakis
Science of the total environment 470, 26-33, 2014
Spatial prediction of nitrate pollution in groundwaters using neural networks and GIS: An application to South Rhodope aquifer (Thrace, Greece)
A Gemitzi, C Petalas, V Pisinaras, VA Tsihrintzis
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 23 (3), 372-383, 2009
Predicting land cover changes using a CA Markov model under different shared socioeconomic pathways in Greece
A Gemitzi
GIScience & Remote Sensing 58 (3), 425-441, 2021
Conceptualizing and assessing the effects of installation and operation of photovoltaic power plants on major hydrologic budget constituents
V Pisinaras, Y Wei, L Bärring, A Gemitzi
Science of the total environment 493, 239-250, 2014
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Articles 1–20