Thomas E McHugh
Thomas E McHugh
GSI Environmental Inc
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Effect of different sampling methodologies on measured methane concentrations in groundwater samples
LJ Molofsky, SD Richardson, AW Gorody, F Baldassare, JA Black, ...
Groundwater 54 (5), 669-680, 2016
Vapor intrusion investigations and decision-making: A critical review
J Ma, T McHugh, L Beckley, M Lahvis, G DeVaull, L Jiang
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (12), 7050-7069, 2020
Evaluation of vapor intrusion using controlled building pressure
TE McHugh, L Beckley, D Bailey, K Gorder, E Dettenmaier, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (9), 4792-4799, 2012
Environmental factors associated with natural methane occurrence in the Appalachian Basin
LJ Molofsky, JA Connor, TE McHugh, SD Richardson, C Woroszylo, ...
Groundwater 54 (5), 656-668, 2016
Application of CSIA to distinguish between vapor intrusion and indoor sources of VOCs
T McHugh, T Kuder, S Fiorenza, K Gorder, E Dettenmaier, P Philp
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (14), 5952-5958, 2011
Recent advances in vapor intrusion site investigations
T McHugh, P Loll, B Eklund
Journal of environmental management 204, 783-792, 2017
Reduction of MTT by glutathione S-transferase
JL York, LC Maddox, P Zimniak, TE McHugh, DF Grant
Biotechniques 25 (4), 622-628, 1998
Indoor air as a source of VOC contamination in shallow soils below buildings
TE McHugh, PC De Blanc, RJ Pokluda
Soil & Sediment Contamination 15 (1), 103-122, 2006
An empirical analysis of the groundwater-to-indoor-air exposure pathway: the role of background concentrations in indoor air
TE McHugh, JA Connor, F Ahmad
Environmental Forensics 5 (1), 33-44, 2004
Overview of state approaches to vapor intrusion
B Eklund, L Beckley, V Yates, TE McHugh
Remediation Journal 22 (4), 7-20, 2012
Progress in remediation of groundwater at petroleum sites in California
TE McHugh, PR Kulkarni, CJ Newell, JA Connor, S Garg
Groundwater 52 (6), 898-907, 2014
On-site gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis to streamline vapor intrusion investigations
L Beckley, K Gorder, E Dettenmaier, I Rivera-Duarte, T McHugh
Environmental Forensics 15 (3), 234-243, 2014
Use of long-term monitoring data to evaluate benzene, MTBE, and TBA plume behavior in groundwater at retail gasoline sites
R Kamath, JA Connor, TE McHugh, A Nemir, MP Le, AJ Ryan
Journal of Environmental Engineering 138 (4), 458-469, 2012
Evidence of a sewer vapor transport pathway at the USEPA vapor intrusion research duplex
T McHugh, L Beckley, T Sullivan, C Lutes, R Truesdale, R Uppencamp, ...
Science of the Total Environment 598, 772-779, 2017
Review of quantitative surveys of the length and stability of MTBE, TBA, and benzene plumes in groundwater at UST sites
JA Connor, R Kamath, KL Walker, TE McHugh
Groundwater 53 (2), 195-206, 2015
Evaluation of vapor attenuation at petroleum hydrocarbon sites: Considerations for site screening and investigation
T McHugh, R Davis, G Devaull, H Hopkins, J Menatti, T Peargin
Soil and Sediment Contamination 19 (6), 725-745, 2010
Evaluation of spatial and temporal variability in VOC concentrations at vapor intrusion investigation sites
TE McHugh, TN Nickles, S Brock
Proceedings of Vapor Intrusion: Learning from the Challenges, Providence, RI …, 2007
Identification of Amino Acid Residues Essential for High Aflatoxin B1-8, 9-Epoxide Conjugation Activity in Alpha Class GlutathioneS-Transferases through Site-Directed Mutagenesis
KP Van Ness, TE McHugh, TK Bammler, DL Eaton
Toxicology and applied pharmacology 152 (1), 166-174, 1998
Binding of the aflatoxin-glutathione conjugate to mouse glutathione S-transferase A3-3 is saturated at only one ligand per dimer
TE McHugh, WM Atkins, JK Racha, KL Kunze, DL Eaton
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (44), 27470-27474, 1996
Software guidance manual RBCA tool kit for chemical releases
JA Connor, R Bowers, T McHugh, A Spexet
Houston, Texas, USA: GSI Environmental Inc, 1-120, 2007
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Articles 1–20