Michael Günthner
Michael Günthner
Professor, Lehrstuhl für Antriebe in der Fahrzeugtechnik (LAF), Technische Universität
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IJER editorial: The future of the internal combustion engine
RD Reitz, H Ogawa, R Payri, T Fansler, S Kokjohn, Y Moriyoshi, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (1), 3-10, 2020
The role of hydrogen for future internal combustion engines
A Onorati, R Payri, BM Vaglieco, AK Agarwal, C Bae, G Bruneaux, ...
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (4), 529-540, 2022
Investigation of the potential of corona ignition to control gasoline homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion
M Suess, M Guenthner, M Schenk, HS Rottengruber
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2012
Untersuchung der Eigenschaften und Kontrollmöglichkeiten der homogen kompressionsgezündeten Verbrennung von Ottokraftstoff
M Günthner
Logos-Verlag, 2005
Closed loop control of an HCCI multi-cylinder engine and corresponding adaptation strategies
J Franz, F Schwarz, M Guenthner, J Reissing, A Mueller, C Donn
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
Investigation of the Emission Reduction Potential of HVO-OME Fuel Blends in a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine
A Holzer, M Guenthner
SAE Technical Paper, 2021
A Study of the Ignition and Combustion Process in a Gasoline HCCI Engine Using Port and Direct Fuel Injection (HCCI, Combustion Processes I)
M Guenthner, W Sauter, F Schwarz, A Velji, U Spicher
The Proceedings of the International symposium on diagnostics and modeling …, 2004
A detailed study of a cylinder activation concept by efficiency loss analysis and 1D simulation
T Buitkamp, M Günthner, F Müller, T Beutler
Automotive and Engine Technology 5 (3), 159-172, 2020
Performance of pure OME and various HVO–OME fuel blends as alternative fuels for a diesel engine
A Holzer, M Günthner, P Jung
Automotive and Engine Technology 7 (3-4), 369–383, 2022
Numerical modeling of diesel and polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether spray in a high pressure chamber using the fischer primary breakup model
T Beutler, N Prchal, M Günthner
Automotive and Engine Technology 7 (3-4), 409-426, 2022
Introduction to the current and future use of H2 and H2-based e-fuels in combustion engines and fuel cells Special Issue
J Ghandhi, M Günthner, R Novella
International Journal of Engine Research 23 (5), 707-708, 2022
Direkteinspritzung im Ottomotor mit Fremd- und Kompressionszündung – Brennverfahren der Zukunft?
A Velji, M Günthner, U Spicher
Direkteinspritzung im Ottomotor IV (Hrsg.: Ulrich Spicher), 1-25, 2003
High Efficiency Diesel Engine Concept With Variable Valve Train and Cylinder Deactivation for Integration Into a Tractor
M Thees, T Buitkamp, M Guenthner, P Pickel
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 59346, V001T07A008, 2019
Load point shifting for Diesel engines–potentials for passenger car and truck engine applications
J Neugärtner, A Scholz, A Schurr, M Günthner, R Flierl
Internationaler Motorenkongress 2017, 43-61, 2017
Internal-combustion engine and homogeneous charge compression ignition process
M Schenk, M Guenthner
US Patent 8,347,850, 2013
Strategien zur Erweiterung des Betriebsbereichs eines ottomotorischen HCCI-Brennverfahrens
P Neeser, M Süß, D Linse, M Günthner, C Hasse, HS Rottengruber
Motorische Verbrennung-Aktuelle Probleme und moderne Lösungssätze, 2009
Miscibility in systems containing (poly (oxymethylene) ethers (OME)+ hydrocarbons+ water)
CF Breitkreuz, A Holzer, T Fuchs, M Günthner, H Hasse
Fuel 338, 127337, 2023
Investigation of a Second Exhaust Valve Lift to Improve Combustion in a Methane-Diesel Dual-Fuel Engine
F Mueller, M Guenthner, A Weigel, M Thees
SAE Technical Paper, 2022
Investigation of an Engine Concept for CNG-OME Dual Fuel Operation Using External and Internal EGR
AK Jost, M Günthner, F Müller, A Weigel
SAE Technical Paper, 2022
Thermal Management Concept for the Exhaust Aftertreatment of Commercial Vehicle Diesel Engines Using Variable Mixtures of Diesel Fuel and Rapeseed Oil
M Thees, M Guenthner, F Mueller
SAE Technical Paper, 2021
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Articles 1–20