Nicolas Boulain
Nicolas Boulain
Service du Patrimoine Naturel (MNHN), Paris
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Land clearing, climate variability, and water resources increase in semiarid southwest Niger: A review
G Favreau, B Cappelaere, S Massuel, M Leblanc, M Boucher, N Boulain, ...
Water Resources Research 45 (7), 2009
Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics in savanna vegetation phenology across the North Australian Tropical Transect
X Ma, A Huete, Q Yu, NR Coupe, K Davies, M Broich, P Ratana, ...
Remote sensing of Environment 139, 97-115, 2013
Global change‐type drought‐induced tree mortality: vapor pressure deficit is more important than temperature per se in causing decline in tree health
D Eamus, N Boulain, J Cleverly, DD Breshears
Ecology and evolution 3 (8), 2711-2729, 2013
Exploring the potential of MODIS EVI for modeling gross primary production across African ecosystems
M Sjöström, J Ardö, A Arneth, N Boulain, B Cappelaere, L Eklundh, ...
Remote sensing of environment 115 (4), 1081-1089, 2011
Precipitation as driver of carbon fluxes in 11 African ecosystems
L Merbold, J Ardö, A Arneth, RJ Scholes, Y Nouvellon, A De Grandcourt, ...
Biogeosciences 6 (6), 1027-1041, 2009
The AMMA-CATCH experiment in the cultivated Sahelian area of south-west Niger–Investigating water cycle response to a fluctuating climate and changing environment
B Cappelaere, L Descroix, T Lebel, N Boulain, D Ramier, JP Laurent, ...
Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 34-51, 2009
Carbon and water fluxes in an arid-zone Acacia savanna woodland: An analyses of seasonal patterns and responses to rainfall events
D Eamus, J Cleverly, N Boulain, N Grant, R Faux, R Villalobos-Vega
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182, 225-238, 2013
Dynamics of component carbon fluxes in a semi‐arid Acacia woodland, central Australia
J Cleverly, N Boulain, R Villalobos‐Vega, N Grant, R Faux, C Wood, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (3), 1168-1185, 2013
Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel–1. Energy and water
D Ramier, N Boulain, B Cappelaere, F Timouk, M Rabanit, CR Lloyd, ...
Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 204-216, 2009
Relationships between climate, soil moisture and phenology of the woody cover in two sites located along the West African latitudinal gradient
J Seghieri, A Vescovo, K Padel, R Soubie, M Arjounin, N Boulain, ...
Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 78-89, 2009
Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel–2. Vegetation and carbon dynamics
N Boulain, B Cappelaere, D Ramier, HBA Issoufou, O Halilou, J Seghieri, ...
Journal of hydrology 375 (1-2), 190-203, 2009
Water and energy budgets simulation over the AMMA-Niger super-site spatially constrained with remote sensing data
S Saux-Picart, C Ottle, B Decharme, C André, M Zribi, A Perrier, B Coudert, ...
Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 287-295, 2009
Combining scintillometer measurements and an aggregation scheme to estimate area-averaged latent heat flux during the AMMA experiment
J Ezzahar, A Chehbouni, J Hoedjes, D Ramier, N Boulain, S Boubkraoui, ...
Journal of Hydrology 375 (1-2), 217-226, 2009
Long-acting recombinant fusion protein linking coagulation factor IX with albumin (rIX-FP) in children
G Kenet, H Chambost, C Male, T Lambert, S Halimeh, T Chernova, ...
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 116 (10), 659-668, 2016
Association between subterranean termites and grasses in a West African savanna: spatial pattern analysis shows a significant role for Odontotermes n. pauperans
P Jouquet, N Boulain, J Gignoux, M Lepage
Applied Soil Ecology 27 (2), 99-107, 2004
Is water availability really the main environmental factor controlling the phenology of woody vegetation in the central Sahel?
J Seghieri, J Carreau, N Boulain, P De Rosnay, M Arjounin, F Timouk
Plant Ecology 213, 861-870, 2012
Water balance and vegetation change in the Sahel: A case study at the watershed scale with an eco-hydrological model
N Boulain, B Cappelaere, L Séguis, G Favreau, J Gignoux
Journal of Arid Environments 73 (12), 1125-1135, 2009
Experimental evidence of deep infiltration under sandy flats and gullies in the Sahel
L Descroix, JP Laurent, M Vauclin, O Amogu, S Boubkraoui, B Ibrahim, ...
Journal of Hydrology 424, 1-15, 2012
Evaluating surface and subsurface water storage variations at small time and space scales from relative gravity measurements in semiarid Niger
J Pfeffer, C Champollion, G Favreau, B Cappelaere, J Hinderer, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (6), 3276-3291, 2013
Modelling vegetation water-use and groundwater recharge as affected by climate variability in an arid-zone Acacia savanna woodland
C Chen, D Eamus, J Cleverly, N Boulain, P Cook, L Zhang, L Cheng, ...
Journal of Hydrology 519, 1084-1096, 2014
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Articles 1–20