Applied time series analysis for the social sciences R McCleary, RA Hay, EE Meidinger, D McDowall Sage Publications, 1980 | 1799 | 1980 |
Interrupted time series analysis D McDowall, R McCleary, BJ Bartos Oxford University Press, 2019 | 1203 | 2019 |
Contextual effects in models of criminal victimization TD Miethe, D McDowall Social Forces 71 (3), 741-759, 1993 | 494 | 1993 |
Effects of restrictive licensing of handguns on homicide and suicide in the District of Columbia C Loftin, D McDowall, B Wiersema, TJ Cottey New England Journal of Medicine 325 (23), 1615-1620, 1991 | 493 | 1991 |
Criminalizing delinquency: The deterrent effects of the New York juvenile offender law SI Singer, D McDowall Law & Society Review 22 (3), 521-535, 1988 | 252 | 1988 |
Social change and crime rates: An evaluation of alternative theoretical approaches TD Miethe, M Hughes, D McDowall Social forces 70 (1), 165-185, 1991 | 251 | 1991 |
Seasonal cycles in crime, and their variability D McDowall, C Loftin, M Pate Journal of quantitative criminology 28, 389-410, 2012 | 238 | 2012 |
The police, crime, and economic theory: An assessment C Loftin, D McDowall American Sociological Review, 393-401, 1982 | 215 | 1982 |
Mandatory sentencing and firearms violence: Evaluating an alternative to gun control C Loftin, M Heumann, D McDowall Law & Society Review 17 (2), 287-318, 1983 | 211 | 1983 |
Boot camp prisons and recidivism in eight states DL MacKenzie, R Brame, D McDowall, C Souryal Criminology 33 (3), 327-358, 1995 | 209 | 1995 |
A comparative study of the preventive effects of mandatory sentencing laws for gun crimes D McDowall, C Loftin, B Wiersema Quantitative Methods in Criminology, 521-537, 2017 | 175 | 2017 |
Collective security and the demand for legal handguns D McDowall, C Loftin American Journal of Sociology 88 (6), 1146-1161, 1983 | 175 | 1983 |
Easing concealed firearms laws: Effects on homicide in three states D McDowall, C Loftin, B Wiersema J. Crim. L. & Criminology 86, 193, 1995 | 170 | 1995 |
Reciprocal causal relationships among drug use, peers, and beliefs: A five-wave panel model MD Krohn, AJ Lizotte, TP Thornberry, C Smith, D McDowall Journal of Drug Issues 26 (2), 405-428, 1996 | 158 | 1996 |
Escaping crime: The effects of direct and indirect victimization on moving M Xie, D McDowall Criminology 46 (4), 809-840, 2008 | 140 | 2008 |
A comparison of supplementary homicide reports and national vital statistics system homicide estimates for US counties B Wiersema, C Loftin, D McDowall Homicide studies 4 (4), 317-340, 2000 | 135 | 2000 |
Underreporting of justifiable homicides committed by police officers in the United States, 1976–1998 C Loftin, B Wiersema, D McDowall, A Dobrin American journal of public health 93 (7), 1117-1121, 2003 | 119 | 2003 |
Prior police contact and subsequent victim reporting: Results from the NCVS M Xie, G Pogarsky, JP Lynch, D McDowall Justice quarterly 23 (4), 481-501, 2006 | 118 | 2006 |
Firearm availability and homicide rates in Detroit, 1951–1986 D McDowall Social Forces 69 (4), 1085-1101, 1991 | 114 | 1991 |
Zero-inflated and overdispersed: what's one to do? SE Perumean-Chaney, C Morgan, D McDowall, I Aban Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 83 (9), 1671-1683, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |