Subarna Kole
Subarna Kole
Senior Research Scientist, Ecolectro Inc.
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Cited by
Cited by
Bipolar membrane polarization behavior with systematically varied interfacial areas in the junction region
S Kole, G Venugopalan, D Bhattacharya, L Zhang, J Cheng, B Pivovar, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (4), 2223-2238, 2021
Advancing electrodeionization with conductive ionomer binders that immobilize ion-exchange resin particles into porous wafer substrates
VM Palakkal, L Valentino, Q Lei, S Kole, YJ Lin, CG Arges
npj Clean Water 3 (1), 5, 2020
Counterion condensation or lack of solvation? Understanding the activity of ions in thin film block copolymer electrolytes
Q Lei, K Li, D Bhattacharya, J Xiao, S Kole, Q Zhang, J Strzalka, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (31), 15962-15975, 2020
Rapid and Direct Perfluorooctanoic Acid Sensing with Selective Ionomer Coatings on Screen-Printed Electrodes under Environmentally Relevant Concentrations
SP Sahu, S Kole, CG Arges, MR Gartia
ACS omega 7 (6), 5001-5007, 2022
Promoting water-splitting in Janus bipolar ion-exchange resin wafers for electrodeionization
ML Jordan, L Valentino, N Nazyrynbekova, VM Palakkal, S Kole, ...
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 5 (5), 922-935, 2020
Peptide-modified electrode surfaces for promoting anion exchange ionomer microphase separation and ionic conductivity
Z Su, S Kole, LC Harden, VM Palakkal, CO Kim, G Nair, CG Arges, ...
ACS Materials Letters 1 (4), 467-475, 2019
Correlating high temperature thin film ionomer electrode binder properties to hydrogen pump polarization
G Venugopalan, D Bhattacharya, S Kole, C Ysidron, PP Angelopoulou, ...
Materials Advances 2 (13), 4228-4234, 2021
Understanding the ionic activity and conductivity value differences between random copolymer electrolytes and block copolymer electrolytes of the same chemistry
MV Ramos-Garcés, K Li, Q Lei, D Bhattacharya, S Kole, Q Zhang, ...
RSC Advances 11 (25), 15078-15084, 2021
Electrolysis on a Chip with Tunable Thin Film Nanostructured PGM Electrocatalysts Generated from Self‐Assembled Block Copolymer Templates
D Bhattacharya, S Kole, O Kizilkaya, J Strzalka, PP Angelopoulou, ...
Small 17 (25), 2100437, 2021
A parametric study on the application of microfluidics for emulsion characterization
S Kole, PK Bikkina
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017
Advancing electrodeionization with conductive ionomer binders that immobilize ion-exchange resin particles into porous wafer substrates
PV Menon, L Valentino, L Qi, K Subarna, YJ Lin, CG Arges
NPJ Clean Water 3 (1), 2020
Application of Microfluidics for Emulsion Characterization
S Kole, PK Bikkina
7th AIChE Southwest Process Technology Conference, Galveston, TX, 2015
Micro and Nanopatterned Ion Exchange Membranes for Applications in Electrochemical Devices
S Kole, CG Arges
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 240, 745-745, 2021
Bipolar Membranes with Systematically Varied Interfacial Areas in the Junction Region
S Kole, CG Arges
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 239, 1826-1826, 2021
Interfacial Engineering of Bipolar Junctions for Electrochemical Processes
S Kole
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2021
Peptide-Controlled Assembly of Anion Exchange Ionomer Thin Films on Electrode Surfaces for Promoting Microphase Separation and Ionic Conductivity
Z Su, S Kole, CG Arges, JN Renner
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 237, 1683-1683, 2020
Author Correction: Advancing electrodeionization with conductive ionomer binders that immobilize ion-exchange resin particles into porous wafer substrates
VM Palakkal, L Valentino, Q Lei, S Kole, YJ Lin, CG Arges
npj Clean Water 3 (1), 17, 2020
(Invited) Stable and Conductive Anhydrous Proton Conducting Membranes Based on Polycations Blended with Polybenzimidazole
CG Arges, G Venugopalan, S Kole
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 235, 1828-1828, 2019
LSU Scholarly Repositor y
Q Lei, K Li, D Bhattacharya, J Xiao, S Kole
Advancing electrodeionization with conductive ionomer binders that immobilize ion-exchange resin particles into porous wafer substrates. npj Clean Water 2020, 3 (1), 5
VM Palakkal, L Valentino, Q Lei, S Kole, YJ Lin, CG Arges
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Articles 1–20