Kristina Coop Gordon
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring relationships among communication, sexual satisfaction, and marital satisfaction
S Litzinger, KC Gordon
Journal of sex & marital therapy 31 (5), 409-424, 2005
Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and contextual factors in engaging in and responding to extramarital involvement.
ES Allen, DC Atkins, DH Baucom, DK Snyder, KC Gordon, SP Glass
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 12 (2), 101, 2005
An integrative intervention for promoting recovery from extramarital affairs
KC Gordon, DH Baucom, DK Snyder
Journal of marital and family therapy 30 (2), 213-231, 2004
Understanding betrayals in marriage: A synthesized model of forgiveness
KC Gordon, DH Baucom
Family process 37 (4), 425-449, 1998
Forgiveness and marriage: Preliminary support for a measure based on a model of recovery from a marital betrayal
KC Gordon
American Journal of Family Therapy 31 (3), 179-199, 2003
Predicting sexual infidelity in a population-based sample of married individuals.
MA Whisman, KC Gordon, Y Chatav
Journal of family psychology 21 (2), 320, 2007
The use of forgiveness in marital therapy.
KC Gordon, DH Baucom, DK Snyder
The Guilford Press, 2000
Predicting the intentions of women in domestic violence shelters to return to partners: Does forgiveness play a role?
KC Gordon, S Burton, L Porter
Journal of Family Psychology 18 (2), 331, 2004
Widening spheres of impact: The role of forgiveness in marital and family functioning.
KC Gordon, FM Hughes, ND Tomcik, LJ Dixon, SC Litzinger
Journal of family psychology 23 (1), 1, 2009
Psychopathology in women arrested for domestic violence
GL Stuart, TM Moore, KC Gordon, SE Ramsey, CW Kahler
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21 (3), 376-389, 2006
Treating couples recovering from infidelity: An integrative approach
KC Gordon, DH Baucom, DK Snyder
Journal of clinical psychology 61 (11), 1393-1405, 2005
Helping couples get past the affair: A clinician's guide
DH Baucom, DK Snyder, KC Gordon
Guilford Press, 2011
Guidelines for classifying evidence‐based treatments in couple and family therapy
T Sexton, KC Gordon, A Gurman, J Lebow, AMY Holtzworth‐Munroe, ...
Family process 50 (3), 377-392, 2011
A multitheoretical intervention for promoting recovery from extramarital affairs.
KC Gordon, DH Baucom
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 6 (4), 382, 1999
An integrative approach to treating infidelity
DK Snyder, DH Baucom, KC Gordon
The Family Journal 16 (4), 300-307, 2008
Treating affair couples: Clinical considerations and initial findings
DH Baucom, KC Gordon, DK Snyder, DC Atkins, A Christensen
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 20 (4), 375-392, 2006
Forgiveness in Couples: Divorce, Infi delity, and Couples Therapy
KC Gordon, DH Baucom, DK Snyder
Handbook of forgiveness, 431-446, 2007
Ecological momentary assessment of the effects of craving and affect on risk for relapse during substance abuse treatment.
TM Moore, A Seavey, K Ritter, JK McNulty, KC Gordon, GL Stuart
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 28 (2), 619, 2014
Risk factors for intimate partner violence during pregnancy and postpartum
JC Hellmuth, KC Gordon, GL Stuart, TM Moore
Archives of women's mental health 16, 19-27, 2013
The interaction between marital standards and communication patterns: How does it contribute to marital adjustment?
KC Gordon, DH Baucom, N Epstein, CK Burnett, LA Rankin
Journal of marital and family therapy 25 (2), 211-223, 1999
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Articles 1–20