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Cited by
Psychosocial work environment and teachers’ psychological well-being: The moderating role of job control and social support
RZAR Ibrahim, WZM Zalam, B Foster, T Afrizal, MD Johansyah, J Saputra, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (14), 7308, 2021
The effect of product quality and price on buying interest with risk as intervening variables (study on site users)
MDJ Bob Foster
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 9 (12), 66 - 78, 2019
Determinants of pro-environmental behaviour in the workplace
B Foster, Z Muhammad, MY Yusliza, JN Faezah, MD Johansyah, JY Yong, ...
Sustainability 14 (8), 4420, 2022
Application of fractional differential equation in economic growth model: A systematic review approach
MD Johansyah, AK Supriatna, E Rusyaman, J Saputra
Aims Math 6 (9), 10266-10280, 2021
The effect of product knowledge, perceived benefits, and perceptions of risk on Indonesian student decisions to use e-wallets for Warunk Upnormal
B Foster, R Hurriyati, MD Johansyah
Sustainability 14 (11), 6475, 2022
Analysis of the effect of financial literacy, practicality and consumer lifestyle on the use of chip-based electronic money using sem. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (1)
B Foster, Sukono, MD Johansyah
Investigation of the hyperchaos and control in the fractional order financial system with profit margin
MD Johansyah, A Sambas, S Qureshi, S Zheng, TM Abed-Elhameed, ...
Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 9, 100612, 2024
The impact of the covid-19 self-isolation policy on the occupations of vulnerable groups
A Amirudin, M Urbański, J Saputra, MD Johansyah, L Latip, A Tarmizi, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (12), 6452, 2021
Analisis Jumlah Produksi Kerudung Pada RAR Azkia Bandung Dengan Metode Economic Production Quantity (EPQ)
MDJ Farid H Badruzzaman1, Erwin Harahap2, Eti Kurniati3
Jurnal Matematika 16, 1 - 8, 2018
ul-Haque, A
B Foster, Z Muhammad, MY Yusliza, JN Faezah, MD Johansyah, JY Yong
Saputra, J, 2071-1050, 2022
Determinants of sustainable waste management behavior of Malaysian academics
G Muniandy, MM Anuar, B Foster, J Saputra, MD Johansyah, TT Khoa, ...
Sustainability 13 (8), 4424, 2021
Dynamical analysis and adaptive finite-time sliding mode control approach of the financial fractional-order chaotic system
MD Johansyah, A Sambas, S Mobayen, B Vaseghi, SF Al-Azzawi, Sukono, ...
Mathematics 11 (1), 100, 2022
Analysis of the effect of financial literacy, practicality, and consumer lifestyle on the use of chip-based electronic money using SEM
B Foster, Sukono, MD Johansyah
Sustainability 14 (1), 32, 2021
Solusi persamaan diferensial fraksional riccati menggunakan adomian decomposition method dan variational iteration method
MD Johansyah, H Napitupulu, E Harahap, I Sumiati, AK Supriatna
Matematika: Jurnal Teori dan Terapan Matematika 18 (1), 2019
Solving the economic growth acceleration model with memory effects: An application of combined theorem of Adomian decomposition methods and Kashuri–Fundo transformation methods
MD Johansyah, AK Supriatna, E Rusyaman, J Saputra
Symmetry 14 (2), 192, 2022
Peranan desain kemasan dan branding dalam peningkatan citra merek produk usaha unggulan Bandung Selatan
B Foster, F Reyta, MD Johansyah, B Nadeak, E Sormin
JURNAL Comunità Servizio: Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada …, 2020
EWOW'S strength on brand image and brand trust and its' impact on interest to buy iphone smartphone products
MDJ Bob Foster
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 9 (12), 79 - 93, 2019
A novel financial system with one stable and two unstable equilibrium points: Dynamics, coexisting attractors, complexity analysis and synchronization using integral sliding …
MD Johansyah, A Sambas, S Zheng, K Benkouider, S Vaidyanathan, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 177, 114283, 2023
Solving differential equations of fractional order using combined adomian decomposition method with Kamal integral transformation
MD Johansyah, AK Supriatna, E Rusyaman, J Saputra
Mathematics and Statistics 10 (1), 187-194, 2022
Pengendalian Persediaan Produksi Hijab Berdasarkan Economic Production Quantity di RAR Azkia
FH Badruzzaman, E Harahap, E Kurniati, MD Johansyah
Jurnal Matematika 16 (2), 1-6, 2017
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