Suzanne Boschma
Suzanne Boschma
Senior Research Scientist, Department of Primary Industries
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Field evaluation of perennial grasses and herbs in southern Australia. 2. Persistence, root characteristics and summer activity
ZN Nie, S Miller, GA Moore, BF Hackney, SP Boschma, KFM Reed, ...
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48 (4), 424-435, 2008
Evaluation of perennial pasture legumes and herbs to identify species with high herbage production and persistence in mixed farming zones in southern Australia
GD Li, GM Lodge, GA Moore, AD Craig, BS Dear, SP Boschma, ...
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48 (4), 449-466, 2008
Field evaluation of perennial grasses and herbs in southern Australia. 1. Establishment and herbage production
KFM Reed, ZN Nie, S Miller, BF Hackney, SP Boschma, ML Mitchell, ...
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48 (4), 409-423, 2008
Evaluation of phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.) germplasm for persistence under grazing on the North-West Slopes, New South Wales
RA Culvenor, SP Boschma
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56 (7), 731-741, 2005
Plant reserves of perennial grasses subjected to drought and defoliation stresses on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia
SP Boschma, JM Scott, MJ Hill, JR King, JJ Lutton
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (8), 819-828, 2003
The response to moisture and defoliation stresses, and traits for resilience of perennial grasses on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia
SP Boschma, MJ Hill, JM Scott, GG Rapp
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (9), 903-916, 2003
Herbage mass and persistence of pasture legumes and grasses at two potentially different saline and waterlogging sites in northern New South Wales
SP Boschma, GM Lodge, S Harden
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48 (4), 553-567, 2008
Growth rate and nutritive value of sown tropical perennial grasses in a variable summer‐dominant rainfall environment, Australia
SP Boschma, SR Murphy, S Harden
Grass and Forage Science 72 (2), 234-247, 2017
Evaluation of chicory cultivars and accessions for forage in south-eastern Australia
GD Li, Z Nie, A Bonython, SP Boschma, RC Hayes, AD Craig, GM Lodge, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 61 (7), 554-565, 2010
Seedling competition of lucerne in mixtures with temperate and tropical pasture species
SP Boschma, GM Lodge, S Harden
Crop and Pasture Science 61 (5), 411-419, 2010
Persistence and productivity of Medicago sativa subspecies sativa, caerulea, falcata and varia accessions at three intermittently dry sites in south-eastern Australia
GD Li, ZN Nie, SP Boschma, BS Dear, GM Lodge, RC Hayes, B Clark, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 61 (8), 645-658, 2010
Biochar: potential for climate change mitigation, improved yield and soil health
L Van Zwieten, S Kimber, K Sinclair, KY Chan, A Downie
Carbon 27 (48), 190-198, 2008
Herbage production and persistence of two tropical perennial grasses and forage sorghum under different nitrogen fertilization and defoliation regimes in a summer‐dominant …
SP Boschma, SR Murphy, S Harden
Grass and Forage Science 70 (3), 381-393, 2015
Measuring and predicting the consequences of drought for a range of perennial grasses on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales
SP Boschma, JM Scott
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 40 (2), 285-297, 2000
Establishment and persistence of perennial grass and herb cultivars and lines in a recharge area, North-West Slopes, New South Wales
SP Boschma, GM Lodge, S Harden
Crop and Pasture Science 60 (8), 753-767, 2009
Persistence of winter-active phalaris breeding populations, cultivars and other temperate grasses in diverse environments of south-eastern Australia
RA Culvenor, SP Boschma, KFM Reed
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 47 (2), 136-148, 2007
Alfalfa mosaic virus infects the tropical legume Desmanthus virgatus in Australia and the potential role of the cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) as the virus vector
J van Leur, Z Duric, J George, S Boschma
Australasian Plant Disease Notes 14 (1), 3, 2019
Using morphological traits to identify persistent lucernes for dryland agriculture in NSW, Australia
SP Boschma, RW Williams
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59 (1), 69-79, 2008
Modelling of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) for livestock production in diverse environments
AP Smith, AD Moore, SP Boschma, RC Hayes, Z Nie, KG Pembleton
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (1), 74-91, 2017
Replacement series studies of competition between tropical perennial and annual grasses and perennial grass mixtures in northern New South Wales
GM Lodge, SP Boschma, S Harden
Crop and Pasture Science 60 (6), 526-531, 2009
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Articles 1–20