Jean-François Dhôte
Jean-François Dhôte
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Differences between tree species seedling and adult altitudinal distribution in mountain forests during the recent warm period (1986–2006)
J Lenoir, JC Gégout, JC Pierrat, JD Bontemps, JF Dhôte
Ecography 32 (5), 765-777, 2009
Development of total aboveground volume equations for seven important forest tree species in France
P Vallet, JF Dhôte, G Le Moguédec, M Ravart, G Pignard
Forest Ecology and Management 229 (1-3), 98-110, 2006
Picea abies site index prediction by environmental factors and understorey vegetation: a two-scale approach based on survey databases
I Seynave, JC Gégout, JC Hervé, JF Dhôte, J Drapier, É Bruno, G Dumé
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (7), 1669-1678, 2005
Long-term changes in forest productivity: a consistent assessment in even-aged stands
JD Bontemps, JC Hervé, JF Dhôte
Forest Science 55 (6), 549-564, 2009
Modelling forest management within a global vegetation model—Part 1: Model structure and general behaviour
V Bellassen, G Le Maire, JF Dhôte, P Ciais, N Viovy
Ecological Modelling 221 (20), 2458-2474, 2010
Modelling wood density in European oak (Quercuspetraea and Quercusrobur) and simulating the silvicultural influence
SY Zhang, RE Owoundi, G Nepveu, F Mothe, JF Dhôte
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (12), 2587-2593, 1993
Is the spatial distribution of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) limited by its potential height growth?
I Seynave, JC Gégout, JC Hervé, JF Dhôte
Journal of Biogeography 35 (10), 1851-1862, 2008
Individual variability in tree allometry determines light resource allocation in forest ecosystems: a hierarchical Bayesian approach
G Vieilledent, B Courbaud, G Kunstler, JF Dhôte, JS Clark
Oecologia 163 (3), 759-773, 2010
Effect of species composition, stand density and site index on the basal area increment of oak trees (Quercus sp.) in mixed stands with beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in northern …
S Hein, JF Dhôte
Annals of forest science 63 (5), 457-467, 2006
Implication of forest diversity in resistance to strong winds
JF Dhôte
Forest diversity and function: temperate and boreal systems, 291-307, 2005
Nitrogen footprint in a long-term observation of forest growth over the twentieth century
JD Bontemps, JC Hervé, JM Leban, JF Dhôte
Trees 25 (2), 237-251, 2011
Dominant radial and height growth reveal comparable historical variations for common beech in north-eastern France
JD Bontemps, JC Hervé, JF Dhôte
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (8), 1455-1463, 2010
Respective importance of ecological conditions and stand composition on Abies alba Mill. dominant height growth
PE Pinto, JC Gégout, JC Hervé, JF Dhôte
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 619-629, 2008
Species substitution for carbon storage: Sessile oak versus Corsican pine in France as a case study
P Vallet, C Meredieu, I Seynave, T Bélouard, JF Dhôte
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (4), 1314-1323, 2009
Fagacées: a tree-centered growth and yield model for sessile oak (Quercus petraea L.) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
G Le Moguédec, JF Dhôte
Annals of Forest Science 69 (2), 257-269, 2012
Decomposition of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) litter: combining quality theory and 15N labelling experiments
R d’Annunzio, B Zeller, M Nicolas, JF Dhôte, L Saint-André
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (2), 322-333, 2008
Shifts in the height‐related competitiveness of tree species following recent climate warming and implications for tree community composition: the case of common beech and …
JD Bontemps, JC Herve, P Duplat, JF Dhôte
Oikos 121 (8), 1287-1299, 2012
Stocks et flux de carbone dans les forêts françaises
JL Dupouey, G Pignard, V Badeau, A Thimonier, JF Dhote, G Nepveu, ...
Comptes rendus de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France 85 (6), 293-310, 1999
Changements de productivité dans quatre forêts de chênes sessiles depuis 1930: une approche au niveau du peuplement
JF Dhôte, JC Hervé
Annals of forest science 57 (7), 651-680, 2000
Changes in environmental controls on the growth of Abies alba Mill. in the Vosges Mountains, north‐eastern France, during the 20th century
PE Pinto, JC Gégout, JC Hervé, JF Dhôte
Global Ecology and Biogeography 16 (4), 472-484, 2007
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Articles 1–20