Nizar Bouguila
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Cited by
Unsupervised learning of a finite mixture model based on the Dirichlet distribution and its application
N Bouguila, D Ziou, J Vaillancourt
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13 (11), 1533-1543, 2004
On short-term load forecasting using machine learning techniques and a novel parallel deep LSTM-CNN approach
B Farsi, M Amayri, N Bouguila, U Eicker
IEEE access 9, 31191-31212, 2021
High-dimensional unsupervised selection and estimation of a finite generalized Dirichlet mixture model based on minimum message length
N Bouguila, D Ziou
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (10), 1716 …, 2007
A fast clustering algorithm based on pruning unnecessary distance computations in DBSCAN for high-dimensional data
Y Chen, S Tang, N Bouguila, C Wang, J Du, HL Li
Pattern Recognition 83, 375-387, 2018
BLOCK-DBSCAN: Fast clustering for large scale data
Y Chen, L Zhou, N Bouguila, C Wang, Y Chen, J Du
Pattern Recognition 109, 107624, 2021
A hybrid feature extraction selection approach for high-dimensional non-Gaussian data clustering
S Boutemedjet, N Bouguila, D Ziou
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 31 (8), 1429-1443, 2008
Network anomaly intrusion detection using a nonparametric Bayesian approach and feature selection
W Alhakami, A ALharbi, S Bourouis, R Alroobaea, N Bouguila
IEEE access 7, 52181-52190, 2019
Variational learning for finite Dirichlet mixture models and applications
W Fan, N Bouguila, D Ziou
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 23 (5), 762-774, 2012
Finite general Gaussian mixture modeling and application to image and video foreground segmentation
MS Allili, N Bouguila, D Ziou
Journal of Electronic Imaging 17 (1), 013005-013005-13, 2008
Unsupervised selection of a finite Dirichlet mixture model: an MML-based approach
N Bouguila, D Ziou
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 18 (8), 993-1009, 2006
A study of spam filtering using support vector machines
O Amayri, N Bouguila
Artificial Intelligence Review 34, 73-108, 2010
Clustering of count data using generalized Dirichlet multinomial distributions
N Bouguila
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20 (4), 462-474, 2008
Practical Bayesian estimation of a finite beta mixture through Gibbs sampling and its applications
N Bouguila, D Ziou, E Monga
Statistics and Computing 16, 215-225, 2006
Count data modeling and classification using finite mixtures of distributions
N Bouguila
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 22 (2), 186-198, 2010
Graph neural networks for intelligent transportation systems: A survey
S Rahmani, A Baghbani, N Bouguila, Z Patterson
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (8), 8846-8885, 2023
A hybrid SEM algorithm for high-dimensional unsupervised learning using a finite generalized Dirichlet mixture
N Bouguila, D Ziou
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (9), 2657-2668, 2006
Hybrid generative/discriminative approaches for proportional data modeling and classification
N Bouguila
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24 (12), 2184-2202, 2011
A Dirichlet process mixture of generalized Dirichlet distributions for proportional data modeling
N Bouguila, D Ziou
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 21 (1), 107-122, 2009
Positive vectors clustering using inverted dirichlet finite mixture models
T Bdiri, N Bouguila
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2), 1869-1882, 2012
Mixture models and applications
N Bouguila, W Fan
Springer, 2020
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Articles 1–20