X. Lopez-Lozano
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Cited by
Information on quantum states pervades the visible spectrum of the ubiquitous Au144(SR)60 gold nanocluster
HC Weissker, HB Escobar, VD Thanthirige, K Kwak, D Lee, ...
Nature Communications 5, 3785, 2014
MicroED Structure of Au146(p-MBA)57 at Subatomic Resolution Reveals a Twinned FCC Cluster
S Vergara, DA Lukes, MW Martynowycz, U Santiago, G Plascencia-Villa, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (22), 5523-5530, 2017
Effect of alloying on the optical properties of Ag–Au nanoparticles
X López Lozano, C Mottet, HC Weissker
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (6), 3062-3068, 2013
Aspect-ratio-and size-dependent emergence of the surface-plasmon resonance in gold nanorods–an ab initio TDDFT study
X López-Lozano, H Barron, C Mottet, HC Weissker
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (5), 1820-1823, 2014
Enantiospecific adsorption of chiral molecules on chiral gold clusters
X López-Lozano, LA Pérez, IL Garzón
Physical review letters 97 (23), 233401, 2006
Chiral-Icosahedral (I) Symmetry in Ubiquitous Metallic Cluster Compounds (145A,60X): Structure and Bonding Principles
RL Whetten, HC Weissker, JJ Pelayo, SM Mullins, X López-Lozano, ...
Accounts of chemical research 52 (1), 34-43, 2019
Direct imaging and identification of individual dopant atoms in MoS2 and WS2 catalysts by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy
FL Deepak, R Esparza, B Borges, X Lopez-Lozano, M Jose-Yacaman
ACS Catalysis 1 (5), 537-543, 2011
Surface plasmons in quantum-sized noble-metal clusters: TDDFT quantum calculations and the classical picture of charge oscillations
HC Weissker, X López-Lozano
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (42), 28379-28386, 2015
optical spectra of the special Au144 gold-cluster compounds: sensitivity to structure and symmetry
HC Weissker, O Lopez-Acevedo, RL Whetten, X López-Lozano
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (20), 11250-11259, 2015
Reconstruction of quasi-one-dimensional In∕ Si (111) systems: Charge-and spin-density waves versus bonding
X Lopez-Lozano, A Krivosheeva, AA Stekolnikov, L Meza-Montes, ...
Physical Review B 73 (3), 035430, 2006
Tetrahedral (T) Closed-Shell Cluster of 29 Silver Atoms & 12 Lipoate Ligands, [Ag29(R-α-LA)12](3−): Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity
P Lopez, HH Lara, SM Mullins, DM Black, HM Ramsower, MM Alvarez, ...
ACS applied nano materials 1 (4), 1595-1602, 2018
Atomic and electronic properties of quasi-one-dimensional MoS2 nanowires
LF Seivane, H Barron, S Botti, MAL Marques, Á Rubio, X López-Lozano
Journal of materials research 28 (2), 240-249, 2013
Identifying electronic modes by fourier transform from δ-kick time-evolution tddft calculations
R Sinha-Roy, P García-González, X López Lozano, RL Whetten, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 14 (12), 6417-6426, 2018
Density functional study of the cysteine adsorption on Au nanoclusters
LA Pérez, X López-Lozano, IL Garzón
The European Physical Journal D 52, 123-126, 2009
Optical response of quantum-sized Ag and Au clusters–cage vs. compact structures and the remarkable insensitivity to compression
HC Weissker, RL Whetten, X López-Lozano
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (24), 12495-12502, 2014
Trends and properties of 13-atom Ag–Au nanoalloys I: structure and electronic properties
H Barron, L Fernández-Seivane, HC Weissker, X López-Lozano
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (41), 21450-21459, 2013
Rippled and helical MoS2 nanowire catalysts: An aberration corrected STEM study
FL Deepak, R Esparza, B Borges, X López-Lozano, M Jose-Yacaman
Catalysis letters 141 (4), 518-524, 2011
Chiral symmetry breaking yields the I-Au60 perfect golden shell of singular rigidity
SM Mullins, HC Weissker, R Sinha-Roy, JJ Pelayo, IL Garzón, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3352, 2018
Enantiospecific adsorption of cysteine on a chiral Au34 cluster
JJ Pelayo, I Valencia, G Díaz, X López-Lozano, IL Garzón
The European Physical Journal D 69, 1-7, 2015
Band structure and electron gas of In chains on Si (1 1 1)
X López-Lozano, AA Stekolnikov, J Furthmüller, F Bechstedt
Surface science 589 (1-3), 77-90, 2005
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Articles 1–20