Dr. Manjula R Bharamagoudra
Dr. Manjula R Bharamagoudra
Head Innovation Center, School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, REVA University
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Issues in underwater acoustic sensor networks
RB Manjula, SS Manvi
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 3 (1), 101, 2011
Challenges and solutions of interoperability on IoT: How far have we come in resolving the IoT interoperability issues
MR Konduru, Venkateswara Raju and Bharamagoudra
International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation …, 2017
Event driven energy depth and channel aware routing for underwater acoustic sensor networks: Agent oriented clustering based approach
MR Bharamagoudra, SKS Manvi, B Gonen
Computers & Electrical Engineering 58, 1-19, 2017
Data transactions on system-on-chip bus using AXI4 protocol
SS Math, RB Manjula, SS Manvi, P Kaunds
2011 International Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical …, 2011
Coverage optimization based sensor deployment by using PSO for anti-submarine detection in UWASNs
RB Manjula, SS Manvi
2013 Ocean Electronics (SYMPOL), 15-22, 2013
Deployment scheme for enhancing coverage and connectivity in underwater acoustic sensor networks
MR Bharamagoudra, SKS Manvi
Wireless Personal Communications 89, 1265-1293, 2016
Cluster based data aggregation in underwater acoustic sensor networks
RB Manjula, SS Manvi
2012 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 104-109, 2012
Agent‐based secure routing for underwater acoustic sensor networks
MR Bharamagoudra, SS Manvi
International Journal of Communication Systems 30 (13), e3281, 2017
Survey of system on chip buses based on industry standards
SS Math, RB Manjula
Conference on Evolutionary Trends in Information Technology (CETIT), Bekgaum …, 2011
Simulink model for double buffering
RB Sheeparamatti, BG Sheeparamatti, M Bharamagoudar, N Ambali
IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, 4593-4597, 2006
Microstrip line fed dielectric resonator antenna optimization using machine learning algorithms
O Singh, MR Bharamagoudra, H Gupta, AK Dwivedi, P Ranjan, A Sharma
Sādhanā 47 (4), 226, 2022
A survey on routing protocols for underwater acoustic sensor networks
R Thumpi, RB Manjula, SM Sunilkumar
Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng.(IJRTE) 2 (2), 170-175, 2013
Design of AMBA AXI4 protocol for System-on-Chip communication
SS Math, RB Manjula
International Journal of Communication Network and Security 1, 38-42, 2012
Glaucoma detection using hog and feed-forward neural network
S Ananya, MR Bharamagoudra, KP Bharath, RR Pujari, VA Hanamanal
2023 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication …, 2023
Coverage optimization-based sensor deployment by using PSO for anti-submarine detection in UWASNs. In 2013 Ocean Electronics (SYMPOL)(pp. 15–22)
RB Manjula, SS Manvi
IEEE.(2013, October), 2013
A survey of mobile ad-hoc network protocols from mobility point of view
PJ Rishi, RB Manjula, SS Manvi
Int. J. Technol. Res. Eng. Res 2 (8), 1358-1364, 2015
Hand Gesture Detection using Transfer Learning with Deep Neural Networks
MP Thanushree, MR Bharamagoudra, SZ Noorain, SM SP
2023 IEEE 8th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1-5, 2023
Survey on Simulators for Underwater Sensor Networks
SSM Godi, Geeta, Manjula R. Bharamagoudra
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12 (13 …, 2021
Enhance Health Risks Prediction Mechanism in the Cloud Using RT-TKRIBC Technique
VR Konduru, MR Bharamgoudra
Journal of information and communication convergence engineering 19 (3), 166-174, 2021
Challenges and solutions of interoperability on IoT how far have we come in resolving the IoT interoperability issues
MR Bharamagoudra, VR Konduru
International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation. LNCS Homepage, 2017
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Articles 1–20