Benn Eifert
Benn Eifert
Managing Partner, QVR
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Cited by
Does management matter? Evidence from India
N Bloom, B Eifert, A Mahajan, D McKenzie, J Roberts
The Quarterly journal of economics 128 (1), 1-51, 2013
Political competition and ethnic identification in Africa
B Eifert, E Miguel, DN Posner
American journal of political science 54 (2), 494-510, 2010
Business environment and comparative advantage in Africa: Evidence from the investment climate data
B Eifert, A Gelb, V Ramachandran
Available at SSRN 1112857, 2005
The political economy of fiscal policy and economic management in oil-exporting countries
A Gelb, B Eifert, NB Tallroth
Available at SSRN 636262, 2002
The cost of doing business in Africa: Evidence from enterprise survey data
B Eifert, A Gelb, V Ramachandran
World development 36 (9), 1531-1546, 2008
Do regulatory reforms stimulate investment and growth? Evidence from the doing business data, 2003-07
B Eifert
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2009
Managing oil wealth
B Eifert, A Gelb, NB Tallroth
Finance & Development 40 (1), 40-40, 2003
Improving the dynamics of aid: Towards more predictable budget support
B Eifert, AH Gelb
World Bank Publications, 2005
Political sources of ethnic identification in Africa
B Eifert, E Miguel, DN Posner
Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), 2007
AID AND DEVELOPMENT-Coping with Aid Volatility-Aid may become even more unpredictable, but there are ways to tackle the problem
B Eifert, A Gelb
Finance and Development-English Edition 42 (3), 24-27, 2005
Competitiveness and private sector development in Africa: cross-country evidence from the World Bank's investment climate data
B Eifert, V Ramachandran
Institute for African Development, Cornell University, 2004
South Africa: An assessment of the investment climate
GRG Clarke, B Eifert, J Habyarimana, M Ingram, W Kapery, D Kaplan, ...
African Private Sector Group, World Bank Publication, 2005
Improving the dynamics of aid
B Eifert, A Gelb
Policy Research Working Paper 3732, 2005
Reforming aid: Toward more predictable, performance-based financing for development
B Eifert, A Gelb
World Development 36 (10), 2067-2081, 2008
Does management matter
N Bloom, B Eifert, A Mahajan, D McKenzie, J Roberts
Evidence from India, 2011
Business Environment and Comparative Advantage in Africa
B Eifert, A Gelb, V Ramachandran
Proceedings of the Annual Bank Conference in Development Economics, 2005
The economic response to regulatory reforms, 2003-2006
BP Eifert
University of California, Berkeley, Dept. of Economics, mimeo, September, 2007
Management as a Technology: Evidence from Indian firms
N Bloom, B Eifert, A Mahajan, D McKenzie, J Roberts
working paper, 2009
Management matters: evidence from India
N Bloom, B Eifert, A Mahajan, D McKenzie, J Roberts
Realizing the Potential of the Labour Force in Africa: Barriers and Opportunities
L Fox, G Betcherman, V Chandra, B Eifert, A Van Adams
Document préparé pour la conférence sur les marchés du travail (November 18 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20