Sheng Li, M.D., Ph.D.
Sheng Li, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston; TIRR Memorial Hermann Hospital
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Cited by
Spasticity, motor recovery, and neural plasticity after stroke
S Li
Frontiers in neurology 8, 120, 2017
New insights into the pathophysiology of post-stroke spasticity
S Li, GE Francisco
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 192, 2015
Post-stroke hemiplegic gait: new perspective and insights
S Li, GE Francisco, P Zhou
Frontiers in physiology 9, 1021, 2018
A mode hypothesis for finger interaction during multi-finger force-production tasks
F Danion, G Schöner, ML Latash, S Li, JP Scholz, VM Zatsiorsky
Biological cybernetics 88, 91-98, 2003
Effects of age and gender on finger coordination in MVC and submaximal force-matching tasks
M Shinohara, S Li, N Kang, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Journal of applied physiology 94 (1), 259-270, 2003
A unifying pathophysiological account for post-stroke spasticity and disordered motor control
S Li, YT Chen, GE Francisco, P Zhou, WZ Rymer
Frontiers in neurology 10, 468, 2019
A new definition of poststroke spasticity and the interference of spasticity with motor recovery from acute to chronic stages
S Li, GE Francisco, WZ Rymer
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 35 (7), 601-610, 2021
The effects of stroke and age on finger interaction in multi-finger force production tasks
S Li, ML Latash, GH Yue, V Siemionow, V Sahgal
Clinical neurophysiology 114 (9), 1646-1655, 2003
Three-point gait crutch walking: variability in ground reaction force during weight bearing
S Li, CW Armstrong, D Cipriani
Archives of physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 82 (1), 86-92, 2001
The effect of motor imagery on spinal segmental excitability
S Li, DG Kamper, JA Stevens, WZ Rymer
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (43), 9674-9680, 2004
Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease using non-invasive near-infrared spectroscopy
R Li, G Rui, W Chen, S Li, PE Schulz, Y Zhang
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 10, 366, 2018
Spasticity, weakness, force variability, and sustained spontaneous motor unit discharges of resting spastic–paretic biceps brachii muscles in chronic stroke
SH Chang, GE Francisco, P Zhou, WZ Rymer, S Li
Muscle & nerve 48 (1), 85-92, 2013
Effects of motor imagery on finger force responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation
S Li, ML Latash, VM Zatsiorsky
Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2), 273-280, 2004
Bilateral deficit and symmetry in finger force production during two-hand multifinger tasks
S Li, F Danion, ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental Brain Research 141, 530-540, 2001
Central mechanisms of finger interaction during one-and two-hand force production at distal and proximal phalanges
ML Latash, S Li, F Danion, VM Zatsiorsky
Brain research 924 (2), 198-208, 2002
Localized electrical impedance myography of the biceps brachii muscle during different levels of isometric contraction and fatigue
L Li, H Shin, X Li, S Li, P Zhou
Sensors 16 (4), 581, 2016
Advanced myoelectric control for robotic hand-assisted training: outcome from a stroke patient
Z Lu, K Tong, H Shin, S Li, P Zhou
Frontiers in neurology 8, 107, 2017
Voluntary breathing influences corticospinal excitability of nonrespiratory finger muscles
S Li, WZ Rymer
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (2), 512-521, 2011
Motor overflow and spasticity in chronic stroke share a common pathophysiological process: analysis of within-limb and between-limb EMG-EMG coherence
YT Chen, S Li, E Magat, P Zhou, S Li
Frontiers in neurology 9, 795, 2018
Influences of ventilation on maximal isometric force of the finger flexors
S Li, JJ Laskin
Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 2006
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