DR Baer
Cited by
Cited by
Characterization and properties of metallic iron nanoparticles: spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and kinetics
JT Nurmi, PG Tratnyek, V Sarathy, DR Baer, JE Amonette, K Pecher, ...
Environmental science & technology 39 (5), 1221-1230, 2005
Formation of the spinel phase in the layered composite cathode used in Li-ion batteries
M Gu, I Belharouak, J Zheng, H Wu, J Xiao, A Genc, K Amine, ...
ACS nano 7 (1), 760-767, 2013
Auger parameter measurements of zinc compounds relevant to zinc transport in the environment
LS Dake, DR Baer, JM Zachara
Surface and Interface analysis 14 (1‐2), 71-75, 1989
In Situ TEM Study of Lithiation Behavior of Silicon Nanoparticles Attached to and Embedded in a Carbon Matrix
M Gu, Y Li, X Li, S Hu, X Zhang, W Xu, S Thevuthasan, DR Baer, ...
ACS nano 6 (9), 8439-8447, 2012
Real-time mass spectrometric characterization of the solid–electrolyte interphase of a lithium-ion battery
Y Zhou, M Su, X Yu, Y Zhang, JG Wang, X Ren, R Cao, W Xu, DR Baer, ...
Nature nanotechnology 15 (3), 224-230, 2020
Surface characterization of nanomaterials and nanoparticles: Important needs and challenging opportunities
DR Baer, MH Engelhard, GE Johnson, J Laskin, J Lai, K Mueller, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 31 (5), 2013
Application of surface chemical analysis tools for characterization of nanoparticles
DR Baer, DJ Gaspar, P Nachimuthu, SD Techane, DG Castner
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 396, 983-1002, 2010
Void formation during early stages of passivation: Initial oxidation of iron nanoparticles at room temperature
CM Wang, DR Baer, LE Thomas, JE Amonette, J Antony, Y Qiang, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 98 (9), 2005
In situ TEM investigation of congruent phase transition and structural evolution of nanostructured silicon/carbon anode for lithium ion batteries
CM Wang, X Li, Z Wang, W Xu, J Liu, F Gao, L Kovarik, JG Zhang, J Howe, ...
Nano letters 12 (3), 1624-1632, 2012
Role of Mg in the stress corrosion cracking of an Al-Mg alloy
RH Jones, DR Baer, MJ Danielson, JS Vetrano
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 32, 1699-1711, 2001
In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation of Microstructure and Phase Evolution in a SnO2 Nanowire during Lithium Intercalation
CM Wang, W Xu, J Liu, JG Zhang, LV Saraf, BW Arey, D Choi, ZG Yang, ...
Nano Letters 11 (5), 1874-1880, 2011
Aging of iron nanoparticles in aqueous solution: effects on structure and reactivity
V Sarathy, PG Tratnyek, JT Nurmi, DR Baer, JE Amonette, CL Chun, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (7), 2286-2293, 2008
The adsorption of liquid and vapor water on TiO2 (110) surfaces: the role of defects
LQ Wang, DR Baer, MH Engelhard, AN Shultz
Surface science 344 (3), 237-250, 1995
Conflicting roles of nickel in controlling cathode performance in lithium ion batteries
M Gu, I Belharouak, A Genc, Z Wang, D Wang, K Amine, F Gao, G Zhou, ...
Nano letters 12 (10), 5186-5191, 2012
Morphology and electronic structure of the oxide shell on the surface of iron nanoparticles
C Wang, DR Baer, JE Amonette, MH Engelhard, J Antony, Y Qiang
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (25), 8824-8832, 2009
Hydration of passive oxide films on aluminum
BC Bunker, GC Nelson, KR Zavadil, JC Barbour, FD Wall, JP Sullivan, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (18), 4705-4713, 2002
XPS analysis of nanostructured materials and biological surfaces
DR Baer, MH Engelhard
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 178, 415-432, 2010
XPS guide: Charge neutralization and binding energy referencing for insulating samples
DR Baer, K Artyushkova, H Cohen, CD Easton, M Engelhard, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38 (3), 2020
Nanoscale Phase Separation, Cation Ordering, and Surface Chemistry in Pristine Li1.2Ni0.2Mn0.6O2 for Li-Ion Batteries
M Gu, A Genc, I Belharouak, D Wang, K Amine, S Thevuthasan, DR Baer, ...
Chemistry of Materials 25 (11), 2319-2326, 2013
Practical guides for x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: First steps in planning, conducting, and reporting XPS measurements
DR Baer, K Artyushkova, CR Brundle, JE Castle, MH Engelhard, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 37, 031401, 2019
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