Chi Ma
Chi Ma
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Improving surface finish and wear resistance of additive manufactured nickel-titanium by ultrasonic nano-crystal surface modification
C Ma, MT Andani, H Qin, NS Moghaddam, H Ibrahim, A Jahadakbar, ...
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 249, 433-440, 2017
Improving surface finish of 3D-printed metals by ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification
C Ma, Y Dong, C Ye
Procedia Cirp 45, 319-322, 2016
Molecular insight into the Mullins effect: irreversible disentanglement of polymer chains revealed by molecular dynamics simulations
C Ma, T Ji, CG Robertson, R Rajeshbabu, J Zhu, Y Dong
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (29), 19468-19477, 2017
Improving plasticity of metallic glass by electropulsing-assisted surface severe plastic deformation
C Ma, S Suslov, C Ye, Y Dong
Materials & Design 165, 107581, 2019
The effect of ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on low temperature nitriding of ultra-high strength steel
Z Weidong, L Daoxin, Q Haifeng, Z Xiaohua, Z Hao, Z Ruixia, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 375 (February), 205-214, 2019
Effects of ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on the thermal oxidation behavior of Ti6Al4V
J Liu, S Suslov, S Li, H Qin, Z Ren, C Ma, GX Wang, GL Doll, H Cong, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 325, 289-298, 2017
Organosilane grafted silica: Quantitative correlation of microscopic surface characters and macroscopic surface properties
T Ji, C Ma, L Brisbin, L Mu, CG Robertson, Y Dong, J Zhu
Applied Surface Science 399, 565-572, 2017
The effect of electropulsing-assisted ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification on the microstructure and properties of 300M steel
W Zhao, D Liu, X Zhang, H Zhang, J Liu, C Ma, R Zhang, Y Dong, C Ye
Surface and Coatings Technology 397, 125994, 2020
Increasing fracture strength in bulk metallic glasses using ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification
C Ma, H Qin, Z Ren, SC O'Keeffe, J Stevick, GL Doll, Y Dong, B Winiarski, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 718, 246-253, 2017
Improving peening efficacy through high-amplitude short duration pulsed current
W Zhao, D Liu, H Zhang, J Liu, C Ma, R Zhang, T Huang, Y Dong, C Ye, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 926, 166987, 2022
Shocking of metallic glass to induce microstructure heterogeneity: A molecular dynamics study
C Ma, GX Wang, C Ye, Y Dong
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (9), 2017
Effect of interface on the mechanical behavior of polybutadiene–silica composites: An experimental and simulation study
T Ji, C Ma, L Brisbin, Y Dong, J Zhu
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135 (16), 46089, 2018
Development of a novel minimally invasive technique to washout necrotic bone marrow content from epiphyseal bone: A preliminary cadaveric bone study
FA do Monte, MS Park, V Gokani, M Singhal, C Ma, OO Aruwajoye, ...
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research 106 (4), 709-715, 2020
Effect of filler–polymer interface on elastic properties of polymer nanocomposites: a molecular dynamics study
C Ma, T Ji, CG Robertson, R Rajeshbabu, J Zhu, Y Dong
Tire Science And Technology 45 (3), 227-241, 2017
Local BMP2 hydrogel therapy for robust bone regeneration in a porcine model of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
C Ma, MS Park, F Alves do Monte, V Gokani, OO Aruwajoye, Y Ren, X Liu, ...
NPJ Regenerative Medicine 8 (1), 50, 2023
A multiscale computational framework for wear prediction in knee replacement implants
Y Li, C Ma
Mechanics of Materials 175, 104480, 2022
Modeling of phase transition in fabrication of polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs)
C Ma, Y Li
International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering 11 …, 2022
Protocol for extracting and isolating porcine bone-marrow-derived macrophages from ribs
F Boschetto, C Ma, MS Kang, S Madero, HKW Kim
STAR protocols 5 (2), 103085, 2024
Ex vivo study of detergent‐assisted intraosseous bone wash treatment of osteonecrosis
G Andre, F Boschetto, V Gokani, M Singhal, Y Jing, HKW Kim, C Ma
Journal of Orthopaedic Research® 41 (7), 1482-1493, 2023
Local Administration of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Using a Hydrogel Carrier for Robust Bone Regeneration in a Large Animal Model of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
H Kim, C Ma, M Park, F Monte, V Gokani, O Aruwajoye, Y Ren, X Liu
Research Square, rs. 3. rs-2465423, 2023
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Articles 1–20