Ianir Milevski
Ianir Milevski
Israel Antiquities Authority
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Early Bronze Age goods exchange in the southern Levant: A Marxist perspective
I Milevski
Routledge, 2016
Elephants at the middle Pleistocene Acheulian open-air site of Revadim Quarry, Israel
R Rabinovich, O Ackermann, E Aladjem, R Barkai, R Biton, I Milevski, ...
Quaternary International 276, 183-197, 2012
The onset of faba bean farming in the Southern Levant
V Caracuta, O Barzilai, H Khalaily, I Milevski, Y Paz, J Vardi, L Regev, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 14370, 2015
Exotic foods reveal contact between South Asia and the Near East during the second millennium BCE
A Scott, RC Power, V Altmann-Wendling, M Artzy, MAS Martin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2), e2014956117, 2021
The plastered skulls and other PPNB finds from Yiftahel, Lower Galilee (Israel)
I Milevski, H Khalaily, N Getzov, I Hershkovitz
Paléorient, 37-46, 2008
The Flint Assemblage of Lower Horvat'Illin: Some Technical and Economic Considerations.'
O Marder, E Braun, I Milevski
Atiqot 27, 63-93, 1995
Recent excavations at the Neolithic site of Yiftahel (Khalet Khalladyiah), lower Galilee
H Khalaily, I Milevski, N Getzov, I Hershkovitz, O Barzilai, A Yarosevich, ...
Neo-lithics 2 (08), 3-11, 2008
Olive oil storage during the fifth and sixth millennia BC at Ein Zippori, Northern Israel
D Namdar, A Amrani, N Getzov, I Milevski
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 62 (1-2), 65-74, 2015
A new fertility figurine and new animal motifs from the Chalcolithic in the southern Levant: finds from cave K-1 at Quleh, Israel
I Milevski
Paléorient, 133-141, 2002
Givat Rabi East, a new Middle Paleolithic knapping site in the Lower Galilee (Israel)
M Inbar, O Barzilai, I Milevski, R Ekshtain, M Ullman
Paléorient, 107-122, 2011
The Rural Settlement of Jerusalem Re-evaluated: Surveys and Excavations in the Reph'aim Valley and Mevasseret Yerushalayim
G Edelstein, I Milevski
Palestine Exploration Quarterly 126 (1), 2-23, 1994
Excavations at Horbat ‘Illit B: a Chalcolithic (Ghassulian) site in the Haelah valley
I Milevski, J Vardi, I Gilead, A Eirikh-Rose, M Birkenfeld, HK Mienis, ...
Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 43, 73-147, 2013
Plaster characterization at the PPNB site of Yiftahel (Israel) including the use of 14C: Implications for plaster production, preservation, and dating
KM Poduska, L Regev, F Berna, E Mintz, I Milevski, H Khalaily, S Weiner, ...
Radiocarbon 54 (3-4), 887-896, 2012
The handaxes of Revadim Quarry: typo-technological considerations and aspects of intra-site variability
O Marder, Z Matskevich
Axe Age, 223-242, 2024
The plastered skulls from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site of Yiftahel (Israel)–a computed tomography-based analysis
V Slon, R Sarig, I Hershkovitz, H Khalaily, I Milevski
PloS one 9 (2), e89242, 2014
Nahal Betzet II and Ard el Samra: two late prehistoric sites and settlement patterns in the Akko Plain
N Getzov, O Barzilai, G Le Dosseur, A Eirikh-Rose, I Ktalav, O Marder, ...
Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 39, 81-158, 2009
The groundstone tools
I Milevski
G. Edelstein, I. Milevski and S. Aurant. Villages, Terraces and Stone Mounds …, 1987
Local Exchange in Early Bronze Age Canaan
II Milevski
Tel Aviv University, 2005
The exchange of flint tools in the southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age
I Milevski
Lithic Technology 38 (3), 202-219, 2013
The transition from the Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age of the southern Levant in socio-economic context
I Milevski
Paléorient, 193-208, 2013
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Articles 1–20