Richard F. Hartl
Richard F. Hartl
Professor of Business Admin
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A New Rank Based Version of the Ant System--A Computational Study.
B Bullnheimer, RF Hartl, C Strauss
Central European Journal of Operations Research 7 (1), 1999
A survey on pickup and delivery problems: Part II: Transportation between pickup and delivery locations
SN Parragh, KF Doerner, RF Hartl
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 58, 81-117, 2008
A survey of the maximum principles for optimal control problems with state constraints
RF Hartl, SP Sethi, RG Vickson
SIAM review 37 (2), 181-218, 1995
An improved ant system algorithm for thevehicle routing problem
B Bullnheimer, RF Hartl, C Strauss
Annals of operations research 89 (0), 319-328, 1999
Applying the ant system to the vehicle routing problem
B Bullnheimer, RF Hartl, C Strauss
Meta-heuristics: Advances and trends in local search paradigms for …, 1999
Optimale Kontrolle ökonomischer Prozesse: Anwendungen des Maximumprinzips in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften
G Feichtinger, RF Hartl
Walter de Gruyter, 2011
The electric fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows and recharging stations
G Hiermann, J Puchinger, S Ropke, RF Hartl
European Journal of Operational Research 252 (3), 995-1018, 2016
Pareto ant colony optimization: A metaheuristic approach to multiobjective portfolio selection
K Doerner, WJ Gutjahr, RF Hartl, C Strauss, C Stummer
Annals of operations research 131, 79-99, 2004
D-ants: Savings based ants divide and conquer the vehicle routing problem
M Reimann, K Doerner, RF Hartl
Computers & Operations Research 31 (4), 563-591, 2004
Dynamic optimal control models in advertising: recent developments
G Feichtinger, RF Hartl, SP Sethi
Management Science 40 (2), 195-226, 1994
A survey on dynamic and stochastic vehicle routing problems
U Ritzinger, J Puchinger, RF Hartl
International Journal of Production Research 54 (1), 215-231, 2016
A variable neighborhood search heuristic for periodic routing problems
VC Hemmelmayr, KF Doerner, RF Hartl
European Journal of Operational Research 195 (3), 791-802, 2009
A zinc finger‐like domain of the molecular chaperone DnaJ is involved in binding to denatured protein substrates.
A Szabo, R Korszun, FU Hartl, J Flanagan
The EMBO journal 15 (2), 408-417, 1996
A variable neighborhood search for the multi depot vehicle routing problem with time windows
M Polacek, RF Hartl, K Doerner, M Reimann
Journal of heuristics 10, 613-627, 2004
Collaborative vehicle routing: A survey
M Gansterer, RF Hartl
European Journal of Operational Research 268 (1), 1-12, 2018
A bi-objective home care scheduling problem: Analyzing the trade-off between costs and client inconvenience
K Braekers, RF Hartl, SN Parragh, F Tricoire
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (2), 428-443, 2016
Ant colony optimization for the two-dimensional loading vehicle routing problem
G Fuellerer, KF Doerner, RF Hartl, M Iori
Computers & Operations Research 36 (3), 655-673, 2009
Variable neighborhood search for the dial-a-ride problem
SN Parragh, KF Doerner, RF Hartl
Computers & Operations Research 37 (6), 1129-1138, 2010
Metaheuristics for vehicle routing problems with three-dimensional loading constraints
G Fuellerer, KF Doerner, RF Hartl, M Iori
European Journal of Operational Research 201 (3), 751-759, 2010
Heuristics for the multi-period orienteering problem with multiple time windows
F Tricoire, M Romauch, KF Doerner, RF Hartl
Computers & Operations Research 37 (2), 351-367, 2010
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Articles 1–20