Articles with public access mandates - Alina Rocha MenocalLearn more
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PROGRESS DESPITE ADVERSITY Women’s empowerment and conflict in Colombia
P Domingo, A Rocha Menocal, V Hinestroza
Development Progress, Overseas Development Institute, 2015
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
What’s behind the demand for governance
G Bergh, A Rocha Menocal, LR Takeuchi
An assessment of people s views. London: Overseas Development Institute, 2014
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
Understanding political economy analysis and thinking and working politically
A Whaites, LH Piron, AR Menocal, G Teskey
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Thinking and Working …, 2023
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
LearnAdapt: a synthesis of our work on adaptive programming with DFID/FCDO (2017–2020)
E Laws, J Pett, E Proud, AR Menocal
ODI and LearnAdapt Briefing Note (https://odi. org/en/publications …, 2021
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
From elite bargains to (more) open and (more) inclusive politics
C Heaven, A Rocha Menocal, S von Billerbeck, D Zaum
University of Reading, 2022
Mandates: Department of International Development, UK
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