Bala Radhakrishnan
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Cited by
Numerical analysis of GTA welding process with emphasis on post-solidification phase transformation effects on residual stresses
B Taljat, B Radhakrishnan, T Zacharia
Materials Science and Engineering: A 246 (1-2), 45-54, 1998
Modeling the kinetics and microstructural evolution during static recrystallization—Monte Carlo simulation of recrystallization
B Radhakrishnan, GB Sarma, T Zacharia
Acta materialia 46 (12), 4415-4433, 1998
Large discrete resistance jump at grain boundary in copper nanowire
TH Kim, XG Zhang, DM Nicholson, BM Evans, NS Kulkarni, ...
Nano letters 10 (8), 3096-3100, 2010
Simulation of Curvature-Driven Grain-Growth by using a Modified Monte-Carlo Algorithm
B Radhakrishnan, T Zacharia
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Physical Metallurgy and …, 1995
The relationship between carbon content, microstructure, and intergranular liquation cracking in cast nickel alloy 718
RG Thompson, DE Mayo, B Radhakrishnan
Metallurgical Transactions A 22, 557-567, 1991
Finite element simulations of cold deformation at the mesoscale
GB Sarma, B Radhakrishnan, T Zacharia
Computational Materials Science 12 (2), 105-123, 1998
A phase diagram approach to study liquation cracking in alloy 718
B Radhakrishnan, RG Thompson
Metallurgical Transactions A 22, 887-902, 1991
A model for the formation and solidification of grain boundary liquid in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of welds
B Radhakrishnan, RG Thompson
Metallurgical Transactions A 23, 1783-1799, 1992
Solidification of the nickel-base superalloy 718: a phase diagram approach
B Radhakrishnan, RG Thompson
Metallurgical Transactions A 20, 2866-2868, 1989
Hot deformation of aluminum alloys III
WJ Arbegast, Z Jin, A Beaudoin, TA Bieler, B Radhakrishnan
TMS, Warrendale, Pa, 313-327, 2003
Monte Carlo simulation of grain boundary pinning in the weld heat-affected zone
B Radhakrishnan, T Zacharia
metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 26, 2123-2130, 1995
Phase field simulations of microstructure evolution in IN718 using a surrogate Ni–Fe–Nb alloy during laser powder bed fusion
B Radhakrishnan, SB Gorti, JA Turner, R Acharya, JA Sharon, ...
Metals 9 (1), 14, 2018
Mechanisms for stabilizing θ′(Al2Cu) precipitates at elevated temperatures investigated with phase field modeling
P Shower, J Morris, D Shin, B Radhakrishnan, J Poplawsky, A Shyam
Materialia 6, 100335, 2019
Temperature-dependent stability of θ′-Al2Cu precipitates investigated with phase field simulations and experiments
P Shower, JR Morris, D Shin, B Radhakrishnan, LF Allard, A Shyam
Materialia 5, 100185, 2019
Phase field simulations of autocatalytic formation of alpha lamellar colonies in Ti-6Al-4V
B Radhakrishnan, S Gorti, SS Babu
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 6577-6592, 2016
Recrystallization behavior of a supersaturated Al–Mn alloy
WC Liu, B Radhakrishnan
Materials Letters 64 (16), 1829-1832, 2010
The effect of weld Heat-Affected zone (HAZ) liquation kinetics on the hot cracking susceptibility of alloy 718
B Radhakrishnan, RG Thompson
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 24, 1409-1422, 1993
ExaAM: Metal additive manufacturing simulation at the fidelity of the microstructure
JA Turner, J Belak, N Barton, M Bement, N Carlson, R Carson, S DeWitt, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 36 (1 …, 2022
Simulations of deformation and recrystallization ofsingle crystals of aluminium containing hard particles
B Radhakrishnan, G Sarma, H Weiland, P Baggethun
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 8 (5), 737, 2000
Mesoscale modeling of microstructure and texture evolution during deformation processing of metals
GB Sarma, B Radhakrishnan, PR Dawson
Advanced Engineering Materials 4 (7), 509-514, 2002
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Articles 1–20