The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC K Aamodt, AA Quintana, R Achenbach, S Acounis, D Adamová, C Adler, ... Journal of Instrumentation 3 (08), S08002, 2008 | 6224* | 2008 |
The ALICE collaboration K Aamodt, N Abel, AA Quintana, A Acero, D Adamová, MM Aggarwal, ... Nuclear Physics A 830 (1-4), 919c-924c, 2009 | 4975* | 2009 |
The PHOBOS perspective on discoveries at RHIC BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, B Becker, RR Betts, ... Nuclear Physics A 757 (1-2), 28-101, 2005 | 3845 | 2005 |
Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton–proton collisions at TeV with ALICE at LHC K Aamodt, N Abel, U Abeysekara, A Abrahantes Quintana, A Abramyan, ... The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 68 (3), 345-354, 2010 | 903* | 2010 |
Production of pions, kaons and protons in pp collisions at\ sqrt {s}= 900~\ mathrm {GeV} with ALICE at the LHC K Aamodt, N Abel, U Abeysekara, AA Quintana, A Abramyan, D Adamova, ... The European Physical Journal C 71 (6), 1-22, 2011 | 806* | 2011 |
ALICE: Physics performance report, volume II B Alessandro, F Antinori, JA Belikov, C Blume, A Dainese, P Foka, ... Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 32 (10), 1295, 2006 | 600 | 2006 |
System size, energy, pseudorapidity, and centrality dependence of elliptic flow B Alver, BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, RR Betts, AA Bickley, ... Physical review letters 98 (24), 242302, 2007 | 546 | 2007 |
Centrality Dependence of Charged-Hadron Transverse-Momentum Spectra in Collisions at BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, B Becker, RR Betts, ... Physical review letters 91 (7), 072302, 2003 | 393 | 2003 |
First proton–proton collisions at the LHC as observed with the ALICE detector: measurement of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density at\ sqrt {s}= 900 GeV K Aamodt, N Abel, U Abeysekara, AA Quintana, A Acero, D Adamova, ... The European Physical Journal C 65 (1-2), 111-125, 2010 | 375 | 2010 |
Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in proton–proton collisions at with ALICE at the LHC K Aamodt, N Abel, U Abeysekara, AA Quintana, A Abramyan, D Adamová, ... Physics Letters B 693 (2), 53-68, 2010 | 315 | 2010 |
Pseudorapidity Distribution of Charged Particles in Collisions at BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, B Becker, RR Betts, ... Physical review letters 93 (8), 082301, 2004 | 270* | 2004 |
Midrapidity Antiproton-to-Proton Ratio in Collisons at and 7 TeV Measured by the ALICE Experiment K Aamodt, N Abel, U Abeysekara, AA Quintana, A Abramyan, D Adamova, ... Physical review letters 105 (7), 072002, 2010 | 225 | 2010 |
Pseudorapidity Distribution of Charged Particles in Collisions at BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, B Becker, RR Betts, ... Physical review letters 93 (8), 082301, 2004 | 205 | 2004 |
Scaling of charged particle production in collisions at BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, B Becker, RR Betts, ... Physical Review C 72 (3), 031901, 2005 | 161 | 2005 |
Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in collisions at K Aamodt, N Abel, U Abeysekara, AA Quintana, A Abramyan, D Adamova, ... Physical Review D 82 (5), 052001, 2010 | 146 | 2010 |
ALICE technical design report on forward detectors: FMD, T0 and V0 P Cortese, G Dellacasa, L Ramello, M Sitta, N Ahmad, S Ahmad, T Ahmad, ... | 93 | 2005 |
Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles in d+ Au and p+ p collisions at R Nouicer, BB Back, MD Baker, M Ballintijn, DS Barton, B Becker, ... Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 30 (8), S1133, 2004 | 83 | 2004 |
ALICE HLT high speed tracking on GPU S Gorbunov, D Rohr, K Aamodt, T Alt, H Appelshauser, A Arend, M Bach, ... IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 (4), 1845-1851, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
e-Infrastructures for e-Science: a global view G Andronico, V Ardizzone, R Barbera, B Becker, R Bruno, A Calanducci, ... Journal of Grid Computing 9 (2), 155-184, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
ALICE forward detectors: FMD, TO and VO P Cortese, V Chambert, RS Simon, JG Contreras, P Van de Vyvre, ... ALICE-TDR-011, 2004 | 56* | 2004 |