Xiang (Frank) Chen
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Cited by
Mechanical behavior of additively manufactured and wrought 316L stainless steels before and after neutron irradiation
TS Byun, BE Garrison, MR McAlister, X Chen, MN Gussev, TG Lach, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 548, 152849, 2021
Experimental and modeling results of creep–fatigue life of Inconel 617 and Haynes 230 at 850° C
X Chen, MA Sokolov, S Sham, DL Erdman III, JT Busby, K Mo, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 432 (1-3), 94-101, 2013
Effect of creep and oxidation on reduced fatigue life of Ni-based alloy 617 at 850° C
X Chen, Z Yang, MA Sokolov, DL Erdman III, K Mo, JF Stubbins
Journal of Nuclear Materials 444 (1-3), 393-403, 2014
High temperature aging and corrosion study on alloy 617 and alloy 230
K Mo, G Lovicu, HM Tung, X Chen, JF Stubbins
Mechanism of plastic deformation of a Ni-based superalloy for VHTR applications
K Mo, G Lovicu, X Chen, HM Tung, JB Hansen, JF Stubbins
Journal of nuclear materials 441 (1-3), 695-703, 2013
Impact toughness of commercial and model FeCrAl alloys
Z Sun, Y Yamamoto, X Chen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 734, 93-101, 2018
Phenix US-Japan collaboration investigation of thermal and mechanical properties of thermal neutron–shielded irradiated tungsten
LM Garrison, Y Katoh, JW Geringer, M Akiyoshi, X Chen, M Fukuda, ...
Fusion science and technology 75 (6), 499-509, 2019
Low cycle fatigue and creep-fatigue behavior of Ni-based alloy 230 at 850 C
X Chen, Z Yang, MA Sokolov, DL Erdman III, K Mo, JF Stubbins
Materials Science and Engineering: A 563, 152-162, 2013
Mechanical properties and microstructure characterization of Eurofer97 steel variants in EUROfusion program
X Chen, A Bhattacharya, MA Sokolov, LN Clowers, Y Yamamoto, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 2227-2232, 2019
Lattice strain and damage evolution of 9–12% Cr ferritic/martensitic steel during in situ tensile test by X-ray diffraction and small angle scattering
X Pan, X Wu, K Mo, X Chen, J Almer, J Ilavsky, DR Haeffner, JF Stubbins
Journal of Nuclear Materials 407 (1), 10-15, 2010
Analysis of corrosion scale structure of pre-oxidized stainless steel 316 in molten lead bismuth eutectic and the relation to impedance spectroscopy response
X Chen, JF Stubbins, P Hosemann, AM Bolind
Journal of nuclear materials 398 (1-3), 172-179, 2010
Effects of applied stress and grain size on creep-rupture lifetime prediction for Haynes 282 alloy
ML Santella, PF Tortorelli, M Render, B Pint, H Wang, V Cedro III, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 838, 142785, 2022
Handbook of advanced manufactured material properties from TCR structure builds at ORNL (FY2019)
KG Field, J Simpson, MN Gussev, H Wang, X Chen, T Koyanagi, K Kane, ...
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2019
Impedance spectroscopy and microstructural characterization of the corrosion behavior of FeCrAl alloy in lead–bismuth eutectic
X Chen, R Haasch, JF Stubbins
Journal of nuclear materials 431 (1-3), 125-132, 2012
The status of the Japanese material properties handbook and the challenge to facilitate structural design criteria for DEMO in-vessel components
T Nozawa, H Tanigawa, T Kojima, T Itoh, N Hiyoshi, M Ohata, T Kato, ...
Nuclear Fusion 61 (11), 116054, 2021
Effect of orientation on plastic deformations of Alloy 617 for VHTR applications
K Mo, G Lovicu, HM Tung, X Chen, Y Miao, JB Hansen, JF Stubbins
Journal of nuclear materials 443 (1-3), 366-377, 2013
Synchrotron radiation study on Alloy 617 and Alloy 230 for VHTR application
K Mo, HM Tung, J Almer, M Li, X Chen, W Chen, JB Hansen, JF Stubbins
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 135 (2), 021502, 2013
Non-contact strain evaluation for miniature tensile specimens of neutron-irradiated F82H by digital image correlation
T Nozawa, H Sakasegawa, X Chen, T Kato, JW Geringer, Y Katoh, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 157, 111663, 2020
Temperature and particle size effects on flow localization of 9–12% Cr ferritic/martensitic steel by in situ X-ray diffraction and small angle scattering
X Pan, X Wu, X Chen, K Mo, J Almer, DR Haeffner, JF Stubbins
Journal of Nuclear Materials 398 (1-3), 220-226, 2010
Technological aspects in blanket design: Effects of micro-alloying and thermo-mechanical treatments of EUROFER97 type steels after neutron irradiation
M Rieth, E Simondon, G Pintsuk, G Aiello, J Henry, D Terentyev, A Puype, ...
Fusion engineering and design 168, 112645, 2021
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Articles 1–20