Sophia Krzys Acord
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Cited by
Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: An Exploration of Faculty Values and Needs in Seven Disciplines. Final Report.
D Harley, SK Acord, S Earl-Novell, S Lawrence, CJ King
Center for Studies in Higher Education, 2010
Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: An Exploration of Faculty Values and Needs in Seven Disciplines. Final Report.
D Harley, SK Acord, S Earl-Novell, S Lawrence, CJ King
Center for Studies in Higher Education, 2010
Culture and the arts: From art worlds to arts-in-action
SK Acord, T DeNora
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 619 (1 …, 2008
Personal mediated communication and the concept of community in theory and practice
JE Katz, RE Rice, S Acord, K Dasgupta, K David
Annals of the International Communication Association 28 (1), 315-371, 2004
Thinking with art: from situated knowledge to experiential knowing
I Sutherland, SK Acord
Journal of Visual Art Practice 6 (2), 125-140, 2007
Credit, time, and personality: The human challenges to sharing scholarly work using Web 2.0
SK Acord, D Harley
new media & society 15 (3), 379-397, 2013
Peer review in academic promotion and publishing: Its meaning, locus, and future
D Harley, SK Acord
Center for Studies in Higher Education, 2011
Affordable and open textbooks: An exploratory study of faculty attitudes
D Harley, S Lawrence, SK Acord, J Dixson
California Journal of Politics and Policy 2 (1), 2010
The Future of Scholarly Communication
D Harley, SK Acord
Mobile games and entertainment
JE Katz, SK Acord
Handbook of mobile communication studies, 403-418, 2008
Beyond the ‘Code': New Aesthetic Methodologies for the Sociology of the Arts
S Krzys Acord
Sociologie de l'Art, 69-86, 2006
Uses of Internet and Mobile Technology in Health Systems: Organizational and Social Issues in a Comparative Context
J Katz, RE Rice, S Acord
The Network Society From Knowledge to Policy, 183, 2005
E-health networks and social transformations: Expectations of centralization, experiences of decentralization
JE Katz, RE Rice, S Acord
M. Castells, The Network Society: A Cross-cultural Perspective. Cheltenham …, 2004
10 Art installation as knowledge assembly
SK Acord
Artistic Practices: Social Interactions and Cultural Dynamics, 151, 2014
Assessing the future landscape of scholarly communication: an in-depth study of faculty needs and ways of meeting them
D Harley, SK Acord, S Earl-Novell, CJ King, S Lawrence
University of California, Berkeley, http://cshe. berkeley. edu/research …, 2008
Usos da Internet e de Tecnologias Móveis nos Sistemas de Saúde: abordagens sociais e organizacionais num contexto comparativo
JE Katz, RE Rice, S Acord
A sociedade em rede: Do conhecimento à acção política, 175-196, 2005
E-Health Networks and Social Transformations
J Katz, R Rice, S Acord
CASTELLS, Manuel (2004b), The Network Society–A Cross-Cultural Perspective …, 2006
Learning how to think, and feel, about contemporary art
SK Acord
Routledge International Handbook of the Sociology of Art and Culture, 219, 2015
Redes de salud virtual y transformaciones sociales: expectativas de centralización, experiencias de descentralización
SK Acord, JE Katz, RE Rice
La sociedad red: una visión global, 360-389, 2006
Witnessing Culture: Museums, Exhibitions and the Artistic Encounter
N Farkhatdinov, SK Acord
Cultural Sociology, 496, 0
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Articles 1–20