Weiwei Lin(林伟伟), Professor, IEEE Senior Member
Weiwei Lin(林伟伟), Professor, IEEE Senior Member
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Cited by
Cited by
An innovative neural network approach for stock market prediction
X Pang, Y Zhou, P Wang, W Lin, V Chang
The Journal of Supercomputing 76, 2098-2118, 2020
SAFA: A semi-asynchronous protocol for fast federated learning with low overhead
W Wu, L He, W Lin, R Mao, C Maple, S Jarvis
IEEE Transactions on Computers 70 (5), 655-668, 2020
An ensemble random forest algorithm for insurance big data analysis
W Lin, Z Wu, L Lin, A Wen, J Li
Ieee access 5, 16568-16575, 2017
An efficiency-boosting client selection scheme for federated learning with fairness guarantee
T Huang, W Lin, W Wu, L He, K Li, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (7), 1552-1564, 2020
Bandwidth‐aware divisible task scheduling for cloud computing
W Lin, C Liang, JZ Wang, R Buyya
Software: Practice and Experience, 2014
A threshold-based dynamic resource allocation scheme for cloud computing
W Lin, JZ Wang, C Liang, D Qi
Procedia Engineering 23, 695-703, 2011
Random task scheduling scheme based on reinforcement learning in cloud computing
Z Peng, D Cui, J Zuo, Q Li, B Xu, W Lin
Cluster computing 18, 1595-1607, 2015
Stochastic client selection for federated learning with volatile clients
T Huang, W Lin, L Shen, K Li, AY Zomaya
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (20), 20055-20070, 2022
Accelerating federated learning over reliability-agnostic clients in mobile edge computing systems
W Wu, L He, W Lin, R Mao
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (7), 1539-1551, 2020
Multi-resource scheduling and power simulation for cloud computing
W Lin, S Xu, L He, J Li
Information Sciences 397, 168-186, 2017
An ant colony optimization-based multiobjective service replicas placement strategy for fog computing
T Huang, W Lin, C Xiong, R Pan, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51 (11), 5595-5608, 2020
林伟伟, 齐德昱
计算机科学 39 (10), 1-6, 2012
A new container scheduling algorithm based on multi-objective optimization
B Liu, P Li, W Lin, N Shu, Y Li, V Chang
Soft Computing 22, 7741-7752, 2018
Segrnn: Segment recurrent neural network for long-term time series forecasting
S Lin, W Lin, W Wu, F Zhao, R Mo, H Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.11200, 2023
涂新莉, 刘波, 林伟伟
Application Research of Computers/Jisuanji Yingyong Yanjiu 31 (6), 2014
Energy-efficient hadoop for big data analytics and computing: A systematic review and research insights
WT Wu, WW Lin, CH Hsu, LG He
Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 1351-1367, 2018
A dual-attention-based stock price trend prediction model with dual features
Y Chen, W Lin, JZ Wang
IEEE Access 7, 148047-148058, 2019
A novel triple encryption scheme for hadoop-based cloud data security
C Yang, W Lin, M Liu
2013 Fourth International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web …, 2013
Developing an unsupervised real-time anomaly detection scheme for time series with multi-seasonality
W Wu, L He, W Lin, Y Su, Y Cui, C Maple, S Jarvis
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (9), 4147-4160, 2020
A reinforcement learning-based mixed job scheduler scheme for grid or IaaS cloud
D Cui, Z Peng, J Xiong, B Xu, W Lin
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 8 (4), 1030-1039, 2017
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Articles 1–20