Joon Jin Song
Joon Jin Song
Professor of Statistics, Baylor University
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Bayesian ranking of sites for engineering safety improvements: decision parameter, treatability concept, statistical criterion, and spatial dependence
SP Miaou, JJ Song
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (4), 699-720, 2005
Roadway traffic crash mapping: a space-time modeling approach
SP Miaou, JJ Song, BK Mallick
Journal of transportation and Statistics 6, 33-58, 2003
Bayesian multivariate spatial models for roadway traffic crash mapping
JJ Song, M Ghosh, S Miaou, B Mallick
Journal of multivariate analysis 97 (1), 246-273, 2006
Gestational weight gain and preterm birth in obese women: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
MA Faucher, M Hastings‐Tolsma, JJ Song, DS Willoughby, SG Bader
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 123 (2), 199-206, 2016
Bayesian meta-analysis models for microarray data: a comparative study
EM Conlon, JJ Song, A Liu
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-21, 2007
Gene expression in breast muscle associated with feed efficiency in a single male broiler line using a chicken 44K oligo microarray. I. Top differentially expressed genes
BW Kong, JJ Song, JY Lee, BM Hargis, T Wing, K Lassiter, W Bottje
Poultry Science 90 (11), 2535-2547, 2011
The H3K27me3-demethylase KDM6A is suppressed in breast cancer stem-like cells, and enables the resolution of bivalency during the mesenchymal-epithelial transition
JH Taube, N Sphyris, KS Johnson, KN Reisenauer, TA Nesbit, R Joseph, ...
Oncotarget 8 (39), 65548, 2017
Clustering of time-course gene expression data using functional data analysis
JJ Song, HJ Lee, JS Morris, S Kang
Computational biology and chemistry 31 (4), 265-274, 2007
Bayesian models for pooling microarray studies with multiple sources of replications
EM Conlon, JJ Song, JS Liu
BMC bioinformatics 7, 1-13, 2006
A novel wavelet‐based thresholding method for the pre‐processing of mass spectrometry data that accounts for heterogeneous noise
D Kwon, M Vannucci, JJ Song, J Jeong, RM Pfeiffer
Proteomics 8 (15), 3019-3029, 2008
Optimal classification for time-course gene expression data using functional data analysis
JJ Song, W Deng, HJ Lee, D Kwon
Computational biology and chemistry 32 (6), 426-432, 2008
Transcriptional profiling of host gene expression in chicken embryo lung cells infected with laryngotracheitis virus
JY Lee, JJ Song, A Wooming, X Li, H Zhou, WG Bottje, BW Kong
BMC genomics 11, 1-15, 2010
Gene expression in breast muscle associated with feed efficiency in a single male broiler line using a chicken 44K microarray. II. Differentially expressed focus genes
WG Bottje, BW Kong, JJ Song, JY Lee, BM Hargis, K Lassiter, T Wing, ...
Poultry Science 91 (10), 2576-2587, 2012
Analysis of zero-inflated clustered count data: a marginalized model approach
K Lee, Y Joo, JJ Song, DW Harper
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55 (1), 824-837, 2011
Quantitative precipitation estimates using machine learning approaches with operational dual-polarization radar data
K Shin, JJ Song, W Bang, GW Lee
Remote Sensing 13 (4), 694, 2021
Temporal trends in lipid screening and therapy among youth from 2002 to 2012
JP Zachariah, CJ McNeal, LA Copeland, Y Fang-Hollingsworth, EM Stock, ...
Journal of clinical lipidology 9 (5), S77-S87, 2015
Understanding mechanisms of vitiligo development in Smyth line of chickens by transcriptomic microarray analysis of evolving autoimmune lesions
F Shi, BW Kong, JJ Song, JY Lee, RL Dienglewicz, GF Erf
BMC immunology 13, 1-15, 2012
Bayesian analysis of simultaneous autoregressive models
V De Oliveira, JJ Song
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (2008-), 323-350, 2008
Spatial interpolation of gauge measured rainfall using compressed sensing
S Ryu, JJ Song, Y Kim, SH Jung, Y Do, GW Lee
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 57, 331-345, 2021
Resistance training–induced elevations in muscular strength in trained men are maintained after 2 weeks of detraining and not differentially affected by whey protein …
PS Hwang, TL Andre, SK McKinley-Barnard, FEM Marroquín, JJ Gann, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (4), 869-881, 2017
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