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A review on municipal solid waste-to-energy trends in the USA
C Mukherjee, J Denney, EG Mbonimpa, J Slagley, R Bhowmik
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119, 109512, 2020
Long-term tillage and drainage influences on soil organic carbon dynamics, aggregate stability and corn yield
S Kumar, T Nakajima, EG Mbonimpa, S Gautam, UR Somireddy, ...
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60 (1), 108-118, 2014
Continuous-flow solar UVB disinfection reactor for drinking water
EG Mbonimpa, B Vadheim, ER Blatchley III
Water research 46 (7), 2344-2354, 2012
Nitrogen fertilizer and landscape position impacts on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from a landscape seeded to switchgrass
EG Mbonimpa, CO Hong, VN Owens, RM Lehman, SL Osborne, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 7 (4), 836-849, 2015
Sediment loss and its cause in Puerto Rico watersheds
Y Yuan, Y Jiang, EV Taguas, EG Mbonimpa, W Hu
Soil 1 (2), 595-602, 2015
Ultraviolet A and B wavelength-dependent inactivation of viruses and bacteria in the water
EG Mbonimpa, ER Blatchley III, B Applegate, WF Harper Jr
Journal of Water and Health 16 (5), 796-806, 2018
SWAT model application to assess the impact of intensive corn-farming on runoff, sediments and phosphorous loss from an agricultural watershed in Wisconsin
M Eric G, Y Yongping, M Megan H
Journal of Water Resource and protection 2012, 2012
Combined PEST and Trial–Error approach to improve APEX calibration
EG Mbonimpa, S Gautam, L Lai, S Kumar, JV Bonta, X Wang, R Rafique
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 114, 296-303, 2015
Fate and transport of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) discharge sites: A review
JT McGarr, EG Mbonimpa, DC McAvoy, MR Soltanian
Soil Systems 7 (2), 53, 2023
Evaluation of treatment options for well water contaminated with perfluorinated alkyl substances using life cycle assessment
I Emery, D Kempisty, B Fain, E Mbonimpa
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24, 117-128, 2019
Sediment and total phosphorous contributors in Rock River watershed
EG Mbonimpa, Y Yuan, MS Nash, MH Mehaffey
Journal of environmental management 133, 214-221, 2014
Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender model simulation of climate change impacts on runoff from a small no-till watershed
S Gautam, EG Mbonimpa, S Kumar, JV Bonta, R Lal
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70 (2), 101-109, 2015
Nitrogen rate and landscape impacts on life cycle energy use and emissions from switchgrass‐derived ethanol
EG Mbonimpa, S Kumar, VN Owens, R Chintala, HL Sieverding, JJ Stone
GCB Bioenergy 8 (4), 750-763, 2016
Evaluating the impacts of landscape positions and nitrogen fertilizer rates on dissolved organic carbon on switchgrass land seeded on marginally yielding cropland
L Lai, S Kumar, EG Mbonimpa, CO Hong, VN Owens, RP Neupane
Journal of Environmental Management 171, 113-120, 2016
Simulating runoff from small grazed pasture watersheds located at North Appalachian experimental watershed in Ohio
S Gautam, E Mbonimpa, S Kumar, J Bonta
Rangeland Ecology & Management 71 (3), 363-369, 2018
Sediment loss and its cause in Puerto Rico watersheds. Soil 1, 595–602
Y Yuan, Y Jiang, EV Taguas, EG Mbonimpa, W Hu
Continuous-flow solar ultraviolet disinfection system for drinking water
ER Blatchley III, EG Mbonimpa, B Applegate, B Vadheim
US Patent 9,546,100, 2017
CFD modeling of a lab-scale microwave plasma reactor for waste-to-energy applications: a review
O Sedej, E Mbonimpa
Gases 1 (3), 133-147, 2021
Application of machine learning to predict the performance of an EMIPG reactor using data from numerical simulations
O Sedej, E Mbonimpa, T Sleight, J Slagley
Energies 15 (7), 2559, 2022
Climate-based policies may increase life-cycle social costs of vehicle fleet operation
I Emery, E Mbonimpa, AE Thal Jr
Energy Policy 101, 1-9, 2017
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Articles 1–20