Richard A Stabler
Richard A Stabler
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The multidrug-resistant human pathogen Clostridium difficile has a highly mobile, mosaic genome
M Sebaihia, BW Wren, P Mullany, NF Fairweather, N Minton, R Stabler, ...
Nature genetics 38 (7), 779-786, 2006
Comparative genome and phenotypic analysis of Clostridium difficile 027 strains provides insight into the evolution of a hypervirulent bacterium
RA Stabler, M He, L Dawson, M Martin, E Valiente, C Corton, TD Lawley, ...
Genome biology 10, 1-15, 2009
Antibiotic Treatment of Clostridium difficile Carrier Mice Triggers a Supershedder State, Spore-Mediated Transmission, and Severe Disease in …
TD Lawley, S Clare, AW Walker, D Goulding, RA Stabler, N Croucher, ...
Infection and immunity 77 (9), 3661-3669, 2009
Evolutionary dynamics of Clostridium difficile over short and long time scales
M He, M Sebaihia, TD Lawley, RA Stabler, LF Dawson, MJ Martin, KE Holt, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (16), 7527-7532, 2010
Microarrays Reveal that Each of the Ten Dominant Lineages of Staphylococcus aureus Has a Unique Combination of Surface-Associated and Regulatory Genes
JA Lindsay, CE Moore, NP Day, SJ Peacock, AA Witney, RA Stabler, ...
Journal of bacteriology 188 (2), 669-676, 2006
Dissection of the heat-shock response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using mutants and microarrays
GR Stewart, L Wernisch, R Stabler, JA Mangan, J Hinds, KG Laing, ...
Microbiology 148 (10), 3129-3138, 2002
Gene expression profile of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a non-replicating state
DGN Muttucumaru, G Roberts, J Hinds, RA Stabler, T Parish
Tuberculosis 84 (3-4), 239-246, 2004
Stationary phase gene expression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis following a progressive nutrient depletion: a model for persistent organisms?
T Hampshire, S Soneji, J Bacon, BW James, J Hinds, K Laing, RA Stabler, ...
Tuberculosis 84 (3-4), 228-238, 2004
Comparative Phylogenomics of Clostridium difficile Reveals Clade Specificity and Microevolution of Hypervirulent Strains
RA Stabler, DN Gerding, JG Songer, D Drudy, JS Brazier, HT Trinh, ...
Journal of bacteriology 188 (20), 7297-7305, 2006
Application of DNA microarrays to study the evolutionary genomics of Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
SJ Hinchliffe, KE Isherwood, RA Stabler, MB Prentice, A Rakin, ...
Genome research 13 (9), 2018-2029, 2003
Helicobacter pylori Possesses Two CheY Response Regulators and a Histidine Kinase Sensor, CheA, Which Are Essential for Chemotaxis and Colonization of the …
S Foynes, N Dorrell, SJ Ward, RA Stabler, AA McColm, AN Rycroft, ...
Infection and immunity 68 (4), 2016-2023, 2000
Macro and micro diversity of Clostridium difficile isolates from diverse sources and geographical locations
RA Stabler, LF Dawson, E Valiente, MD Cairns, MJ Martin, EH Donahue, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e31559, 2012
Effects of Eimeria tenella infection on chicken caecal microbiome diversity, exploring variation associated with severity of pathology
SE Macdonald, MJ Nolan, K Harman, K Boulton, DA Hume, FM Tomley, ...
PLoS one 12 (9), e0184890, 2017
The majority of genes in the pathogenic Neisseria species are present in non-pathogenic Neisseria lactamica, including those designated as 'virulence genes'
LAS Snyder, NJ Saunders
BMC genomics 7, 1-11, 2006
The use of microarray analysis to determine the gene expression profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in response to anti-bacterial compounds
SJ Waddell, RA Stabler, K Laing, L Kremer, RC Reynolds, GS Besra
Tuberculosis 84 (3-4), 263-274, 2004
Emergence of new PCR ribotypes from the hypervirulent Clostridium difficile 027 lineage
E Valiente, LF Dawson, MD Cairns, RA Stabler, BW Wren
Journal of medical microbiology 61 (1), 49-56, 2012
DNA microarrays for virus detection in cases of central nervous system infection
YS Boriskin, PS Rice, RA Stabler, J Hinds, H Al-Ghusein, K Vass, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 42 (12), 5811-5818, 2004
Characterization of Helicobacter pylori PldA, a phospholipase with a role in colonization of the gastric mucosa
N Dorrell, MC Martino, RA Stabler, SJ Ward, ZW Zhang, AA McColm, ...
Gastroenterology 117 (5), 1098-1104, 1999
Microarray analysis of the transcriptional responses of Clostridium difficile to environmental and antibiotic stress
JE Emerson, RA Stabler, BW Wren, NF Fairweather
Journal of medical microbiology 57 (6), 757-764, 2008
Discordant bioinformatic predictions of antimicrobial resistance from whole-genome sequencing data of bacterial isolates: an inter-laboratory study
RM Doyle, DM O'sullivan, SD Aller, S Bruchmann, T Clark, ...
Microbial genomics 6 (2), e000335, 2020
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