I. A. Rodrigues Lopes
Cited by
Cited by
On the efficient enforcement of uniform traction and mortar periodic boundary conditions in computational homogenisation
IAR Lopes, BP Ferreira, FMA Pires
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 384, 113930, 2021
Unlocking the potential of second-order computational homogenisation: an overview of distinct formulations and a guide for their implementation
IA Rodrigues Lopes, FM Andrade Pires
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 1-55, 2022
Microscale analysis of heterogeneous ductile materials with nonlocal damage models of integral type
FJP Reis, IAR Lopes, FMA Pires, FXC Andrade
Computers & Structures 201, 37-57, 2018
A mixed parallel strategy for the solution of coupled multi-scale problems at finite strains
IAR Lopes, FMA Pires, FJP Reis
Computational Mechanics 61 (1), 157-180, 2018
Formulation and numerical implementation of a variationally consistent multi-scale model based on second-order computational homogenisation at finite strains for quasi-static …
IAR Lopes, FMA Pires
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 392, 114714, 2022
An assessment of multi-scale models based on second-order computational homogenisation
IAR Lopes, FMA Pires
Computers & Structures 259, 106679, 2022
Prediction of the yielding behaviour of ductile porous materials through computational homogenization
R Pinto Carvalho, IA Rodrigues Lopes, FM Andrade Pires
Engineering Computations 35 (2), 604-621, 2018
An invariant-based elasto-visco-plastic model for unidirectional polymer composites at finite strains
IAR Lopes, PP Camanho, FMA Pires, A Arteiro
International Journal of Solids and Structures 236, 111292, 2022
Exploring novel mechanical metamaterials: Unravelling deformation mode coupling and size effects through second-order computational homogenisation
WF dos Santos, IAR Lopes, FMA Pires, SPB Proença
International Journal of Solids and Structures 292, 112724, 2024
A fully second‐order homogenization formulation for the multi‐scale modeling of heterogeneous materials
IA Rodrigues Lopes, FM Andrade Pires
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 123 (21), 5274-5318, 2022
Obrigações de Meios e Resultados
FF Lopes
PQDT-Global, 2019
On the representativeness of polycrystalline models with transformation induced plasticity
JAM da Silva, MV de Carvalho, RPC Coelho, IAR Lopes, FMA Pires
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 215, 103875, 2023
A multi-scale formulation for polycrystalline materials accounting for cohesive micro-cracks: Homogenisation of the traction-separation law
MV de Carvalho, IAR Lopes, FMA Pires
International Journal of Plasticity 171, 103780, 2023
Second-order multi-scale modelling of natural and architected materials in the presence of voids: Formulation and numerical implementation
WF dos Santos, IAR Lopes, FMA Pires, SPB Proença
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 416, 116374, 2023
Modelling intralaminar damage mechanisms in fibre reinforced polymers at finite strains
IAR Lopes, F Danzi, A Arteiro, FMA Pires, PP Camanho
International Journal of Solids and Structures 282, 112449, 2023
Effects of carbon nanotube modified adhesive layer on low velocity impact and flexural properties of cork core sandwich structures
IA Lopes, FP Macedo, AJ Arteiro, AL Reis, PR Nóvoa, AT Marques
Ciência & Tecnologia dos Materiais 29 (1), e97-e101, 2017
Probabilistic progressive damage modeling of hybrid composites
E Polyzos, IAR Lopes, PP Camanho, D Van Hemelrijck, L Pyl
Mechanics of Materials 197, 105087, 2024
On the solution of unstable fracture problems with non-linear cohesive laws
MV de Carvalho, IAR Lopes, FMA Pires
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 295, 109736, 2024
Second-order homogenisation of crystal plasticity and martensitic transformation
IAR Lopes, MV de Carvalho, JAM da Silva, RPC Coelho, FMA Pires
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 102, 105104, 2023
Análise do Dano Dúctil Baseada em Modelos Multiescala
IAR Lopes
PQDT-Global, 2013
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Articles 1–20