Beatriz Peña-Molino
Beatriz Peña-Molino
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Cited by
Ocean heat drives rapid basal melt of the Totten Ice Shelf
SR Rintoul, A Silvano, B Pena-Molino, E Van Wijk, M Rosenberg, ...
Science Advances 2 (12), e1601610, 2016
Freshening by glacial meltwater enhances melting of ice shelves and reduces formation of Antarctic Bottom Water
A Silvano, SR Rintoul, B Peña-Molino, WR Hobbs, E van Wijk, S Aoki, ...
Science advances 4 (4), eaap9467, 2018
Detecting change in the Indonesian seas
J Sprintall, AL Gordon, SE Wijffels, M Feng, S Hu, A Koch-Larrouy, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 257, 2019
Transport of the North Atlantic deep western boundary current about 39 N, 70 W: 2004–2008
JM Toole, RG Curry, TM Joyce, M McCartney, B Peña-Molino
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (17-18), 1768-1780, 2011
The sensitivity of the Antarctic ice sheet to a changing climate: Past, present, and future
TL Noble, EJ Rohling, ARA Aitken, HC Bostock, Z Chase, N Gomez, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 58 (4), e2019RG000663, 2020
Distribution of water masses and meltwater on the continental shelf near the T otten and M oscow U niversity ice shelves
A Silvano, SR Rintoul, B Peña‐Molino, GD Williams
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (3), 2050-2068, 2017
Variability in the slope water and its relation to the Gulf Stream path
B Peña‐Molino, TM Joyce
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (3), 2008
Basal melt, seasonal water mass transformation, ocean current variability, and deep convection processes along the Amery Ice Shelf calving front, East Antarctica
L Herraiz‐Borreguero, JA Church, I Allison, B Peña‐Molino, R Coleman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (7), 4946-4965, 2016
Direct observations of the A ntarctic S lope C urrent transport at 113° E
B Peña‐Molino, MS McCartney, SR Rintoul
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (10), 7390-7407, 2016
Seasonality of warm water intrusions onto the continental shelf near the Totten Glacier
A Silvano, SR Rintoul, K Kusahara, B Peña‐Molino, E van Wijk, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (6), 4272-4289, 2019
Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport and barotropic transition at Macquarie Ridge
SR Rintoul, S Sokolov, MJM Williams, B Peña Molino, M Rosenberg, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (20), 7254-7261, 2014
Barotropic and baroclinic contributions to along‐stream and across‐stream transport in the A ntarctic C ircumpolar C urrent
B Peña‐Molino, SR Rintoul, MR Mazloff
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (11), 8011-8028, 2014
Recent changes in the Labrador Sea Water within the deep western boundary current southeast of Cape Cod
B Peña-Molino, TM Joyce, JM Toole
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 58 (10), 1019-1030, 2011
Baroclinic ocean response to climate forcing regulates decadal variability of ice‐shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea
A Silvano, PR Holland, KA Naughten, O Dragomir, P Dutrieux, A Jenkins, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (24), e2022GL100646, 2022
Variability in the deep western boundary current: Local versus remote forcing
B Peña‐Molino, TM Joyce, JM Toole
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C12), 2012
A theory of standing meanders of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and their response to wind
X Zhang, M Nikurashin, B Peña-Molino, SR Rintoul, E Doddridge
Journal of Physical Oceanography 53 (1), 235-251, 2023
Revisiting the seasonal cycle of the Timor throughflow: Impacts of winds, waves and eddies
B Peña‐Molino, BM Sloyan, M Nikurashin, O Richet, SE Wijffels
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (4), e2021JC018133, 2022
Remote energy sources for mixing in the Indonesian Seas
C Pang, M Nikurashin, B Pena-Molino, BM Sloyan
Nature Communications 13 (1), 6535, 2022
Variability in the North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current: Upstream causes and downstream effects as observed at Line W
B Peña-Molino
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010
Direct evidence of warm water access to the Totten Glacier sub-ice shelf cavity
AH Orsi, SR Rintoul, A Silvano, E van Wijk, B Pena-Molino, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, C11D-08, 2015
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Articles 1–20