The second enclosure movement and the construction of the public domain J Boyle Copyright law, 63-104, 2017 | 2261 | 2017 |
The public domain: Enclosing the commons of the mind J Boyle New Haven, Conn.; London: Yale University Press, 2008., 2008 | 1746 | 2008 |
Shamans, software, and spleens: Law and the construction of the information society J Boyle Harvard University Press, 1996 | 1255 | 1996 |
A politics of intellectual property: Environmentalism for the Net? J Boyle Copyright Law, 561-590, 2017 | 630 | 2017 |
Politics of reason: Critical legal theory and local social thought J Boyle U. Pa. L. Rev. 133, 685, 1984 | 603 | 1984 |
Foucault in cyberspace: Surveillance, sovereignty, and hardwired censors J Boyle U. Cin. L. Rev. 66, 177, 1997 | 582 | 1997 |
A theory of law and information: Copyright, spleens, blackmail, and insider trading J Boyle Freedom of Information, 123-250, 2020 | 373 | 2020 |
A Manifesto on WIPO and the Future of Intellectual Property J Boyle Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 3, 1, 2004 | 263 | 2004 |
Foreword: The opposite of property? J Boyle Law and contemporary problems, 1-32, 2003 | 261 | 2003 |
Cruel, Mean, Or Lavish-Economic Analysis, Price Discrimination and Digital Intellectual Property J Boyle Vand. L. Rev. 53, 2007, 2000 | 241 | 2000 |
Synthetic biology: caught between property rights, the public domain, and the commons A Rai, J Boyle PLoS biology 5 (3), e58, 2007 | 181 | 2007 |
The anatomy of a torts class J Boyle Am. UL Rev. 34, 1003, 1984 | 162 | 1984 |
Is subjectivity possible-the post-modern subject in legal theory J Boyle U. Colo. L. Rev. 62, 489, 1991 | 159 | 1991 |
The search for an author: Shakespeare and the framers JDA Boyle Am. UL Rev. 37, 625, 1987 | 155 | 1987 |
Critical legal studies J Boyle | 151 | 1992 |
Fencing off ideas: Enclosure & the disappearance of the public domain J Boyle Daedalus 131 (2), 13-25, 2002 | 145 | 2002 |
Ideals and things: International legal scholarship and the prison-house of language J Boyle The Nature of International Law, 275-308, 2017 | 139 | 2017 |
Intellectual Property Policy Online: A Young Person's Guide J Boyle Harv. JL & Tech. 10, 47, 1996 | 95 | 1996 |
Thomas Hobbes and the Invented Tradition of Positivism: Reflections on Language, Power, and Essentialism J Boyle University of Pennsylvania Law Review 135 (2), 383-426, 1987 | 76 | 1987 |
Enclosing the genome: what squabbles over genetic patents could teach us J Boyle Advances in genetics 50, 97-124, 2003 | 75 | 2003 |