Xavier Capet
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Mesoscale to submesoscale transition in the California Current System. Part I: Flow structure, eddy flux, and observational tests
X Capet, JC Mcwilliams, MJ Molemaker, AF Shchepetkin
Journal of physical oceanography 38 (1), 29-43, 2008
Mesoscale to submesoscale transition in the California Current System. Part II: Frontal processes
X Capet, JC McWilliams, MJ Molemaker, AF Shchepetkin
Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (1), 44-64, 2008
Mesoscale to submesoscale transition in the California Current System. Part III: Energy balance and flux
X Capet, JC McWilliams, MJ Molemaker, AF Shchepetkin
Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (10), 2256-2269, 2008
Upper ocean turbulence from high-resolution 3D simulations
P Klein, BL Hua, G Lapeyre, X Capet, S Le Gentil, H Sasaki
Journal of Physical Oceanography 38 (8), 1748-1763, 2008
Upwelling response to coastal wind profiles
XJ Capet, P Marchesiello, JC McWilliams
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (13), 2004
Balanced and unbalanced routes to dissipation in an equilibrated Eady flow
MJ Molemaker, JC McWilliams, X Capet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 654, 35-63, 2010
Eddy properties in the California current system
J Kurian, F Colas, X Capet, JC McWilliams, DB Chelton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C8), 2011
Heat balance and eddies in the Peru-Chile current system
F Colas, JC McWilliams, X Capet, J Kurian
Climate dynamics 39, 509-529, 2012
On the pathways of the equatorial subsurface currents in the eastern equatorial Pacific and their contributions to the Peru‐Chile Undercurrent
I Montes, F Colas, X Capet, W Schneider
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C9), 2010
On effective resolution in ocean models
Y Soufflet, P Marchesiello, F Lemarié, J Jouanno, X Capet, L Debreu, ...
Ocean Modelling 98, 36-50, 2016
1997–1998 El Niño off Peru: A numerical study
F Colas, X Capet, JC Mcwilliams, A Shchepetkin
Progress in Oceanography 79 (2-4), 138-155, 2008
Eddies in eastern boundary subtropical upwelling systems
X Capet, F Colas, JC Mcwilliams, P Penven, P Marchesiello
Ocean Modeling in an Eddying Regime 177, 131-147, 2008
Surface kinetic energy transfer in surface quasi-geostrophic flows
X Capet, P Klein, BL Hua, G Lapeyre, JC Mcwilliams
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 604, 165-174, 2008
Broad impacts of fine-scale dynamics on seascape structure from zooplankton to seabirds
A Bertrand, D Grados, F Colas, S Bertrand, X Capet, A Chaigneau, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5239, 2014
The influence of diel vertical migration on zooplankton transport and recruitment in an upwelling region: Estimates from a coupled behavioral‐physical model
SD Carr, XJ Capet, JC McWilliams, JT Pennington, FP Chavez
Fisheries Oceanography 17 (1), 1-15, 2008
North Pacific Gyre Oscillation modulates seasonal timing and ecosystem functioning in the California Current upwelling system
F Chenillat, P Rivière, X Capet, E Di Lorenzo, B Blanke
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (1), 2012
Submesoscale activity over the Argentinian shelf
X Capet, EJ Campos, AM Paiva
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (15), 2008
Submesoscale dynamics in tropical instability waves
P Marchesiello, X Capet, C Menkes, SC Kennan
Ocean Modelling 39 (1-2), 31-46, 2011
Development, implementation and evaluation of a data-assimilative ocean forecasting system off the central California coast
Y Chao, Z Li, J Farrara, JC McWilliams, J Bellingham, X Capet, F Chavez, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (3-5), 100-126, 2009
Eddy-topography interactions and the fate of the Persian Gulf Outflow
C Vic, G Roullet, X Capet, XJ Carton, MJ Molemaker, J Gula
American Geophysical Union 2016, PO43B-07, 2016
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Articles 1–20