Matthew Archer
Matthew Archer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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Cited by
Revisiting the circulation of the East Australian Current: Its path, separation, and eddy field
PR Oke, M Roughan, P Cetina-Heredia, GS Pilo, KR Ridgway, T Rykova, ...
Progress in Oceanography 176, 102139, 2019
On the variability of the East Australian Current: Jet structure, meandering, and influence on shelf circulation
MR Archer, M Roughan, SR Keating, A Schaeffer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (11), 8464-8481, 2017
Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems
RE Todd, FP Chavez, S Clayton, S Cravatte, M Goes, M Graco, X Lin, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 423, 2019
Eddy‐driven cross‐shelf transport in the East Australian Current separation zone
N Malan, M Archer, M Roughan, P Cetina‐Heredia, M Hemming, C Rocha, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (2), e2019JC015613, 2020
Observations of submesoscale variability and frontal subduction within the mesoscale eddy field of the Tasman Sea
M Archer, A Schaeffer, S Keating, M Roughan, R Holmes, L Siegelman
Journal of Physical Oceanography 50 (5), 1509-1529, 2020
The kinematic similarity of two western boundary currents revealed by sustained high‐resolution observations
MR Archer, SR Keating, M Roughan, WE Johns, R Lumpkin, ...
Geophysical research letters 45 (12), 6176-6185, 2018
Observing frontal instabilities of the Florida Current using high frequency radar
MR Archer, LK Shay, B Jaimes, J Martinez-Pedraja
Coastal ocean observing systems, 179-208, 2015
Increasing the space–time resolution of mapped sea surface height from altimetry
MR Archer, Z Li, LL Fu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (6), e2019JC015878, 2020
On the development of SWOT in situ calibration/validation for short-wavelength ocean topography
J Wang, LL Fu, B Haines, M Lankhorst, AJ Lucas, JT Farrar, U Send, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39 (5), 595-617, 2022
Assessment of WERA long-range HF-radar performance from the user's perspective
D Savidge, J Amft, A Gargett, M Archer, D Conley, G Voulgaris, L Wyatt, ...
2011 IEEE/OES 10th Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurements (CWTM), 31-38, 2011
Frontal eddies provide an oceanographic triad for favorable larval fish habitat
IM Suthers, A Schaeffer, M Archer, M Roughan, DA Griffin, CC Chapman, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (5), 1019-1036, 2023
The surface velocity structure of the Florida Current in a jet coordinate frame
MR Archer, LK Shay, WE Johns
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (11), 9189-9208, 2017
Reconstructing fine‐scale ocean variability via data assimilation of the SWOT pre‐launch in situ observing system
MR Archer, Z Li, J Wang, LL Fu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (2), e2021JC017362, 2022
An assessment of the East Australian Current as a renewable energy resource
A Schaeffer, MR Archer, Q Baumard, M Roughan, C Kerry
Journal of Marine Systems 204, 103285, 2020
Evaluation of WERA HF radar observations: Currents, winds and waves
MR Archer, LK Shay, J Martinez-Pedraja
2015 IEEE/OES Eleveth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM), 1-9, 2015
Formulation and demonstration of an extended-3DVAR multi-scale data assimilation system for the SWOT altimetry era
Z Li, M Archer, J Wang, LL Fu
Ocean Science Discussions 2021, 1-26, 2021
The Florida Current: Mean Jet Structure, Meandering, and Velocity Fluctuations Observed with HF Radar
MR Archer
University of Miami, 2016
WERA HF radar measurements of wind direction in the South Atlantic Bight
M Archer
Sc Ocean Science Dissertation, U. Plymouth, 2008
Global Submesoscale Ocean Dynamics Unveiled by Wide-Swath Satellite Altimetry
M Archer, J Wang, P Klein, LL Fu
Evaluation of a 4DVAR Assimilation System in the California Current at the SWOT Calibration/Validation Site
BC Tchonang, MR Archer, G Gopalakrishnan, B Cornuelle, MR Mazloff, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 41 (6), 533-549, 2024
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Articles 1–20