Chunru Wan
Cited by
Cited by
Lv's distribution: principle, implementation, properties, and performance
X Lv, G Bi, C Wan, M Xing
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (8), 3576-3591, 2011
An efficient semi-unsupervised gene selection method via spectral biclustering
B Liu, C Wan, L Wang
IEEE Transactions on nanobioscience 5 (2), 110-114, 2006
Enhanced ISAR imaging by exploiting the continuity of the target scene
L Wang, L Zhao, G Bi, C Wan, L Yang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (9), 5736-5750, 2013
Novel wideband DOA estimation based on sparse Bayesian learning with Dirichlet process priors
L Wang, L Zhao, G Bi, C Wan, L Zhang, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (2), 275-289, 2015
The group lasso for stable recovery of block-sparse signal representations
X Lv, G Bi, C Wan
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 1-1, 2011
ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets based on the range centroid Doppler technique
X Lv, M Xing, C Wan, S Zhang
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 19 (1), 141-153, 2010
Comments on “The Extreme Learning Machine”
LP Wang, CR Wan
Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on 19 (8), 1494-1495, 2008
A study on content-based classification and retrieval of audio database
M Liu, C Wan
Database Engineering & Applications, 2001 International Symposium on., 339-345, 2001
Sparse representation-based ISAR imaging using Markov random fields
L Wang, L Zhao, G Bi, C Wan
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
Content-based audio classification and retrieval using a fuzzy logic system: towards multimedia search engines
M Liu, C Wan, L Wang
Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications 6 (5 …, 2002
Optimal tonal detectors based on the power spectrum
CR Wan, JT Goh, HT Chee
Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of 25 (4), 540-552, 2000
Feature selection for automatic classification of musical instrument sounds
M Liu, C Wan
Proceedings of the 1st ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2001
Classification using support vector machines with graded resolution
L Wang, B Liu, C Wan
2005 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing 2, 666-670, 2005
A novel CFAR tonal detector using phase compensation
Q Wang, CR Wan
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 30 (4), 900-911, 2005
Radix-2 DIF fast algorithms for polynomial time-frequency transforms
G Bi, Y Wei, G Li, C Wan
Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on 42 (4), 1540-1546, 2006
DOA estimation for coherent sources in beamspace using spatial smoothing
Y Yang, C Wan, C Sun, Q Wang
Fourth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal …, 2003
Theoretical and experimental studies on broadband constant beamwidth beamforming for circular arrays
Y Yang, C Sun, C Wan
Oceans 2003. Celebrating the Past... Teaming Toward the Future (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Nineteen ways of systolic matrix multiplication
CR Wan, DJ Evans
International journal of computer mathematics 68 (1-2), 39-69, 1998
Content-based audio retrieval with relevance feedback
C Wan, M Liu
Pattern recognition letters 27 (2), 85-92, 2006
Optimal size of a feedforward neural network: How much does it matter?
L Wang, HC Quek, KH Tee, N Zhou, C Wan
Joint International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems and …, 2005
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Articles 1–20