Articles with public access mandates - Lars-Erik LindgrenLearn more
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Modelling high strain rate phenomena in metal cutting simulation
D Wedberg, A Svoboda, LE Lindgren
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (8), 085006, 2012
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Electromagnetic wave-based analysis of laser–particle interactions in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
Z Zhang, P Ge, T Li, LE Lindgren, WW Liu, GZ Zhao, X Guo
Additive Manufacturing 34, 101284, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modelling flow stress of AISI 316L at high strain rates
D Wedberg, LE Lindgren
Mechanics of Materials 91, 194-207, 2015
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Process simulation of single and dual frequency induction surface hardening considering magnetic nonlinearity
M Schwenk, M Fisk, T Cedell, J Hoffmeister, V Schulze, LE Lindgren
Materials Performance and Characterization 1 (1), MPC104374, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
The simulation of precipitation evolutions and mechanical properties in friction stir welding with post-weld heat treatments
Z Zhang, ZY Wan, LE Lindgren, ZJ Tan, X Zhou
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26, 5731-5740, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Simulation of mechanical cutting using a physical based material model
V Kalhori, D Wedberg, LE Lindgren
International Journal of Material Forming 3, 511-514, 2010
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Any effect of processing history on precipitation hardening of metastable austenitic stainless steels
S Saha, K Datta, MK Mitra, LE Lindgren, J Post
Key Engineering Materials 504, 851-856, 2012
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
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Simulation of metal cutting using a physically based plasticity model
A Svoboda, D Wedberg, LE Lindgren
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18 (7), 075005, 2010
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution during deformation of AA7075-T651
B Dalai, MA Moretti, P Åkerström, C Arvieu, D Jacquin, LE Lindgren
Materials Science and Engineering: A 822, 141615, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Coupled electromagnetic-thermal solution strategy for induction heating of ferromagnetic materials
M Fisk, M Ristinmaa, A Hultkrantz, LE Lindgren
Applied Mathematical Modelling 111, 818-835, 2022
Mandates: Vinnova, Sweden
High strain rate deformation behavior and recrystallization of alloy 718
MA Moretti, B Dalai, P Åkerström, C Arvieu, D Jacquin, E Lacoste, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52 (12), 5243-5257, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Modeling of thermal stresses in low alloy steels
LE Lindgren, J Edberg, P Åkerström, Z Zhang
Journal of Thermal Stresses 42 (6), 725-743, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Heat transfer in cold rolling process of AA8015 alloy: a case study of 2-D FE simulation of coupled thermo-mechanical modeling
O Olaogun, J Edberg, LE Lindgren, OO Oluwole, ET Akinlabi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100, 2617-2627, 2019
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Physics-based flow stress model for Alloy 718
MA Moretti, LE Lindgren, P Åkerström
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 54 (5), 1985-1997, 2023
Mandates: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial …
Mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution during high strain rate deformation of AA7075-T651
B Dalai, MA Moretti, P Åkerström, VA Esin, LE Lindgren
SN Applied Sciences 4 (10), 251, 2022
Mandates: European Commission
Predictive capability of constitutive model outside the range of calibration-Complas XI
D Wedberg, LE Lindgren
COMPLAS XI: proceedings of the XI International Conference on Computational …, 2011
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Recrystallization and stress evolution in Alloy 718
A Moretti, A Lundbäck, LE Lindgren
Journal of Thermal Stresses, 1-19, 2024
Mandates: Vinnova, Sweden
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