Lars-Erik Lindgren
Cited by
Cited by
Finite element modeling and simulation of welding part 1: increased complexity
LE Lindgren
Journal of thermal stresses 24 (2), 141-192, 2001
Finite element modeling and simulation of welding. Part 2: improved material modeling
LE Lindgren
Journal of thermal stresses 24 (3), 195-231, 2001
Computational welding mechanics
LE Lindgren
Elsevier, 2014
Numerical modelling of welding
LE Lindgren
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (48-49), 6710-6736, 2006
Finite element modeling and simulation of welding. Part 3: Efficiency and integration
LE Lindgren
Journal of thermal stresses 24 (4), 305-334, 2001
Dislocation density based model for plastic deformation and globularization of Ti-6Al-4V
B Babu, LE Lindgren
International Journal of Plasticity 50, 94-108, 2013
Simulation of additive manufacturing using coupled constitutive and microstructure models
LE Lindgren, A Lundbäck, M Fisk, R Pederson, J Andersson
Additive Manufacturing 12, 144-158, 2016
Dislocations, vacancies and solute diffusion in physical based plasticity model for AISI 316L
LE Lindgren, K Domkin, S Hansson
Mechanics of materials 40 (11), 907-919, 2008
Simulation of multipass welding of a thick plate
LE Lindgren, H Runnemalm, MO Näsström
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 44 (9), 1301-1316, 1999
Modelling of metal deposition
A Lundbäck, LE Lindgren
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (10), 1169-1177, 2011
Deformations and stresses in welding of shell structures
LE Lindgren, L Karlsson
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 25 (2), 635-655, 1988
Modelling and simulation of machining processes
M Vaz, DRJ Owen, V Kalhori, M Lundblad, LE Lindgren
Archives of computational methods in engineering 14, 173-204, 2007
Automatic remeshing for three-dimensional finite element simulation of welding
LE Lindgren, HA Häggblad, JMJ McDill, AS Oddy
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 147 (3-4), 401-409, 1997
Flow stress model for IN718 accounting for evolution of strengthening precipitates during thermal treatment
M Fisk, JC Ion, LE Lindgren
Computational materials science 82, 531-539, 2014
A model for Ti–6Al–4V microstructure evolution for arbitrary temperature changes
CC Murgau, R Pederson, LE Lindgren
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (5), 055006, 2012
Load partitioning and strain-induced martensite formation during tensile loading of a metastable austenitic stainless steel
P Hedström, LE Lindgren, J Almer, U Lienert, J Bernier, M Terner, M Odén
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 40, 1039-1048, 2009
Modelling of addition of filler material in large deformation analysis of multipass welding
LE Lindgren, E Hedblom
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 17 (9), 647-657, 2001
Simulation of metal cutting using a physically based plasticity model
A Svoboda, D Wedberg, LE Lindgren
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18 (7), 075005, 2010
A multiresolution continuum simulation of the ductile fracture process
R Tian, S Chan, S Tang, AM Kopacz, JS Wang, HJ Jou, L Siad, ...
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58 (10), 1681-1700, 2010
Simulation of multipass welding with simultaneous computation of material properties
L Bo¨ rjesson, LE Lindgren
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 123 (1), 106-111, 2001
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Articles 1–20